TODAY I FOUND MY ANSWER The young girl in the picture is named - TopicsExpress


TODAY I FOUND MY ANSWER The young girl in the picture is named Maria and she was a patient at the Childrens Hospital in Seattle, Washington in the summer of 2006. I met a middle aged gentlemen in the family lounge when Meghan was in the Brown Cancer Center floor of University Hospital. His wife of many years had just been diagnosed with cancer. You could tell from his face that he wanted someone to talk to. Like every new patient and their family members you fine devastation, non-belief, a world that you never knew existed. We talked about his wife and I shared my story of Meghan. I didnt tell him that this was her third mountain climb, just how you climb a mountain in a world you will never understand. This man had enough worries and I didnt want him to have to worry about relapses. I saw him today in the lobby while Meghan was upstairs getting chemo. He told me that someone had told him that this was Meghans third climb. He said he just couldnt imagine climbing three different mountains in one lifetime. After Meghans transplant at the Hutch in Seattle we had a year of living with restrictions. Certain ways to clean our house, certain foods to eat and how to prepare them, avoid crowds, etc., the things you need to do to let your immune system get back to normal and hopefully allow your transplant to take hold. Then you go back to Seattle for a few days for a one year checkup. After Meghan was cleared of her restrictions we grabbed a bite of lunch in the cafeteria of the Hutch. I told Meghan that it had been a long hard year and that I was proud of her for her accomplishments and determination to win this battle against cancer. Lets go downtown on a shopping spree Meghan, whatever you want. She thought about that for a moment and then surprisingly said, Daddy, take me to the Childrens Hospital so I can see the kids fighting cancer. So we drove there. Once we arrived I could not believe the size of that floor and all the rooms were occupied with children fighting cancer. Meghan introduced herself to the social worker and asked to visit the children. She was allowed to enter any room that did not have a sign saying no visitors. And that is where we met Maria. Maria was about 12 or 13 years old. She was the only one in the family that spoke English. Can you imagine a child of that age having to listen to the doctors and nurses and then explain things to her parents. Her mom was there but just smiled as she could not converse with us. Meghan spent about 30 minutes talking to Maria. She asked her what she wanted for Christmas even though this was just July. Maria said a boom box..something she always wanted. Meghan then said she would see her later. We left the room and Meghan said dad did you see what was in Marias room. Just a bed, two chairs and equipment. No dad, you were not looking. She had no cards on her walls like I had, she had no computer like I had, she had no radio like I had. She is alone dad, all alone. Then Meghan said, Dad, take me to a shopping center. If you want to buy me something buy me a boom box. And that we did. Meghan returned to Marias room with this gift wrapped boom box. I have never seen a child smile like that nor a mother with tears like the one I saw down her face. Meghan kissed her, told her she would always be praying for her and that she would keep her in her heart forever. I think that is when I realized something special. My Meghan had found her calling, to reach out and touch the lives of those who need to know that they are loved, that they are cared about and that they are being prayed for...that they will never climb that mountain alone. This is what gives my daughter strength to climb mountains that most cannot climb. A desire to make a difference for others. This is who she is and this is why she lives. That is what I thought about when that gentlemen said I cannot imagine climbing three mountains. And that is why I said, you may not understand this, but on this third mountain, we are already half way to the top. All you have to do is have a purpose, a reason to exist, a reason to BELIEVE. And today I honestly believe we are already half way there. Love you are one special human being. BELIEVE
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:36:11 +0000

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