TODAY IN HISTORY 12 May 2006 - Iranian President Mahmoud - TopicsExpress


TODAY IN HISTORY 12 May 2006 - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he was ready to negotiate with the United States and its allies over Irans nuclear program. He also verbally attacked Israel calling it a a tyrannical regime that one day will be destroyed. 2000 Yerushalim reports that Housing and Construction Min. Yitzhak Levy has budgeted $37.5 million for new areas in the Maale Adumim, Etzion bloc and Har Homa settlements. 1998 During a visit to the WB settlement of Bet El, Labor Party leader Ehud Barak declares, Bet El will remain in our hands forever! And the Palestinians will remain in Ramallah forever. 1995 (12-15 May) UN Security Council hold special session on recent land confiscations in Jerusalem 1992 State Dept. says US supports UN Gen. Assembly Res. 194, passed 11 Dec. 1948, which upholds right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. 1987 Israeli PM Shamir denounces Foreign Min. Peres proposal for an international Middle East peace conference. 1955 - Israel attacked Gaza. 1949 Lausanne Protocol, signed by Israeli and Arab delegates, in which Arabs accepted the UN partition and wanted it implemented with UN resolution 194 which stipulates the return of Palestinian refugees. 1949 - Israel became the 59th member of the U.N. 1948 (12-14 May) Arrival of second and third Czech arms consignments for Haganah: 5,000 rifles, 1,200 machine guns, 6 million rounds of ammunition.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 04:58:12 +0000

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