TODAY IN THE WORD Devotion for Monday, Nov. 11, 2013 A - TopicsExpress


TODAY IN THE WORD Devotion for Monday, Nov. 11, 2013 A Ministry of Reconciliation Read 2 Corinthians 5:16–6:2 God was reconciling the world to Himself . . . and has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:19 Today the word reconciliation can be used about anything from contradictory testimony to bank statements. The Latin word means “to reunite” and carries a relational tone. Whether between nations, people groups, family members, or former partners, at its most basic meaning the language of reconciliation involves personal relationships. Used five different times by Paul, the idea of reconciliation is central to today’s reading. Reunion between God and humanity is fundamental to the gospel. The problem was our sin, which had broken that relationship with God. Yet now through Christ, there is reconciliation between God and humanity. Our sins are no longer counted against us because he “who had no sin [became] sin for us” (5:21). Instead of enmity with God, there is now restoration and new creation: “the old has gone, the new has come” (5:17). Notice how this reconciliation came about. We did not initiate it or accomplish it. God reconciled us to Himself, not the other way around! And it was through Christ that we are reunited to God, not through our own efforts. As Paul himself summarizes, “All this is from God” (5:18). We certainly enjoy the benefits of this reconciliation, but it was God who made it happen. Finally, what starts as a personal restoration ultimately leads to an outward ministry in the world. Because we are now reconciled to God in Christ, He has given us the ministry and message of reconciliation. We are “Christ’s ambassadors” (5:20), and now God uses us to appeal to the world: Be reconciled to God! Because we know the personal, reconciling love of God, we can turn to the world and say, “now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (6:2). Apply the Word Reconciliation applies not just to our relationship with God but to each other as well. Paul urges us to view each other as new creations in Christ. With which family member, friend, or sibling in Christ’s body do you need to be reconciled? Seek reconciliation in your personal relationships, remembering the effort that God has made to be reconciled to you.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 18:04:09 +0000

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