TODAY IN THE WORD Devotion for Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Charge - TopicsExpress


TODAY IN THE WORD Devotion for Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Charge to Remain Faithful to the Gospel Read 2 Timothy 2:8–13 God’s word is not chained. 2 Timothy 2:9 Last year, China’s Communist government began implementing a new plan for wiping out unregistered house churches. As a result, according to a report by China Aid, Christians there experienced a significant increase in suffering. There were some 42 percent more incidents of persecution compared to 2011, and 372 percent more compared to 2006. Believers in many countries today are being tortured and imprisoned for their faith, as Paul was. But they know, as Paul did, that “God’s word is not chained” (v. 9). The heart of God’s Word is the gospel—Jesus Christ and His resurrection, the revelation and fulfillment of God’s plan of redemption (v. 8). The reference to David reminds us of God’s promise of a suffering Messiah who would be the King of kings. Paul had staked his life on the gospel, and though he wrote from prison, the gospel was going forth nonetheless. He trusted God to bring fruit from his ministry. Our Lord and His incredible plan of salvation were the source of Paul’s strength to endure and to continue to love God’s people on the road to glory (v. 10). He expressed this foundational truth, the hope driving his life and ministry, through what appear to be early Christian hymn lyrics (vv. 11–13). These are prefaced with a rhetorical marker of significance and reliability we’ve seen three times already this month: “Here is a trustworthy saying” (1 Tim. 1:15; 3:1; 4:9). These hymn lyrics are structured as a series of if/then conditionals. If we die, then we live—expectations are overturned. If we endure, then we reign—hopes are fulfilled. If we disown, then we’ll be disowned—it’s our choice (Matt. 10:32–33). If we are faithless, he remains faithful—God’s will is sovereign (Rom. 3:3–4). This is rock-solid encouragement! Apply the Word Prayer is one vital way in which we can support our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe. To find out more about what’s going on in China, mentioned in today’s introduction, we encourage you to visit the China Aid website, You’ll find news, videos, and many ways to pray and get involved.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:27:23 +0000

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