TODAY IS ASH WEDNESSDAY, YOU NEED OIL ON YOUR FACE NOT ASHES The way I know that a day is Ash Wednesday in my secondary school days was that I will suddenly see some folk’s forehead painted with ashes on their sober face. Lenten is a period when we remember the 40 days fasting of Christ, should this day be introduced by ashes or oil? Let’s read the words of Christ Himself when He speaks on our look during our periods of fasting. Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Matt 6:16-18 Fasting is not a moment of mourning but gladness. Ashes represent mourning while oil represents gladness, when we fast Christ wants us to look glad and happy and not sad and mournful. The fast some of us do with ashes on our faces don’t have reward but that we do with oils on our faces. Don’t follow your church to put ash on your face, if you intend to remember the forty days fasting of Christ( though Christians aren’t obligated to remember it by fasting), why not do it well so that you can earn rewards from God by not using ashes but oils on your faces and looking glad and not mournful. I observe Lents this year not by fasting though is not wrong to fast but if you are led or you want to fast or your church has organized a forty days fasting during this period then it’s not wrong but don’t fast with ashes on your face rather fast with oils and never boast about your fast even when it’s over, remember it’s a private business you are having with God, a business that’s loses its gains once a third party learns about it. For all Christians out there, I wish you happy Lenten periods. God bless you as you stay out of temptations. Pastor Promise Ikpe Share the word
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 05:55:19 +0000

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