TODAY IS PAGAN SAT-URDAY AGAIN. THIS IS THE DAY THE RABBIS AND THE JEWSIH BIBLE SCHOLARS SAT DOWN ON THE WORD OF GOD AND STOOD UP WITH THE WORDS OF THE DEVIL!!! WHAT A WOEFUL “WEB” WE WEAVE WHEN WE PRACTICE TO DECEIVE!!! “The Mishnah or Mishna (Hebrew: מִשְׁנָה, study by repetition), from the verb shanah שנה, or to study and review, also secondary; is the first major written redaction [edition] of the Jewish oral traditions known as the Oral Torah. It is also the first major work of rabbinic literature. The Mishnah consists of six orders (sedarim, singular seder סדר), each containing 7–12 tractates [short essays] (masechtot, singular masechet מסכת; lit. WEB), 63 in total, and further subdivided into chapters and paragraphs or verses.” WHAT A WOEFUL “WEB” WE WEAVE WHEN WE PRACTICE TO DECEIVE!!! One of the major satanic threads in the anti-Hamitic (racist) spider WEB called the Mishnah is the lie on Noble King Nimrod and Venerable AbraHAM in the Name God (G-d), that they were enemies, when in the Torah and the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible NOBLE KING NIMROD AND VENERABLE ABRAHAM NEVER MEET!!! The anti-Hamitic (racist) Mishnah tells lies on (1) God, (2) Noble King Nimrod and (3) Venerable AbraHAM. The Mishnah is as corrupt as the deadly ultra-racist comic book of #Mormon which is another satanic spiders web catching religious feeble flies as followers!!! Galatians 5:9 “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” In other words one lie makes the whole book a lie!!! This is true of the Unholy anti-Hamitic Jewish Mishnah and the deadly anti-Hamitic ultra-racist comic book of Mormon. WHAT A WOEFUL “WEB” WE WEAVE WHEN WE PRACTICE TO DECEIVE!!! “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his [or her] skin, or his [or her] background, or his [or her] religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to LOVE , for LOVE comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom. papa #Madiba. #NelsonMandelaDay Everyday!!! #Media Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. --#MartinLutherKingJr. Faith, Hope, LOVE, Prosperity, Self-Esteem & World Peace to you, your family and friends and to the entire human race. There is only ONE chosen race, the Human Race, although many humans at times act non-human due to wrong teachings and wrong thinking. GOD-POWER!!! Peace. Sincerely, your friend, Noble King Nimrod, Father Gods and My Triumphant, Majestic Royal Hamitic Twin Brother Jesus Christs sent Spiritual Revolutionary LIFE Coach. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 23:41:59 +0000

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