TODAY: | | MORNING MESSAGE Roger Hickey Elizabeth Warren: - TopicsExpress


TODAY: | | MORNING MESSAGE Roger Hickey Elizabeth Warren: Our Populist Agenda – in Her Own Words All reporters and pundits – and all Warren supporters – should read a series of speeches in which Sen. Warren carefully explains why so few people are able to succeed in today’s American economy. And her solutions, drawn from some of the best thinkers and social movements in America today, go well beyond stale debates about redistribution, zeroing in on what it will take to create jobs, raise wages, and put government on the side of working Americans. For those who know her ideas only from TV sound bites, we present Elizabeth Warren’s thinking about the economy in her own words – words that are teaching us how to talk about economic populism and build a new American majority for change. DIVIDED REPUBLICANS TAKE CONGRESS TOMORROW “Republicans Say They’ll Act Fast to Push Agenda” upon taking over Congress tomorrow. NYT: “Republicans hope to strike early with measures that are known to have bipartisan support. The House is set to pass legislation this week expediting the Keystone XL pipeline; the Senate is making it the first order of business as well. The House will also take up a measure that would change the newhealth care law’s definition of full-time workers to those working 40 hours rather than the current 30 hours…” But Republicans are “staring at cliffs.” Politico: “A number of complicated — and hidden — legislative fights are spread throughout the year, which could give House and Senate leadership nearly monthly headaches as they seek to preserve the improving economic climate in the U.S. The legislative land mines range from tricky transportation issues to funding controversial slices of the government, to updating a pricey Medicare program and, of course, the ever-explosive debt ceiling … it could stoke intraparty confrontation and force Republicans into cooperation with the White House.” Immigration fight could backfire on GOP. Politico: “The first attempt to unravel Obama’s actions could come early in 2015. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the chairman of the powerful House Rules Committee, has indicated that legislation to block Obama’s executive actions could come for a vote in January. Such a bill would almost certainly be vetoed Obama if it reaches the White House, and Congress would not have enough votes to override it. The focus then shifts to the battle over DHS funding, which runs out Feb. 27.” Dems look to amend Senate Keystone bill. WSJ: “Democrats will introduce at least three amendments that would make the Keystone measure ‘more of a jobs bill,’ [said Sen. Chuck] Schumer … The amendments will require the steel used in the pipeline to be made in the U.S., ban exports of oil shipped through the pipeline and add financial incentives for renewable energy, Mr. Schumer said. With Republicans now controlling 54 seats, these amendments are unlikely to pass.” Conservative plot to thwart Boehner before tomorrow’s speaker vote. The Hill: “…Tea Party Reps. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said they would challenge Boehner … Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), has … been huddling with 16 to 18 other conservatives to find a viable alternative … Rep. Thomas Massie playfully tweeted a photo of a McDonald’s drive-through sign reading: ‘NEXT SPEAKER PLEASE.’ … Reps. Steve King (R-Iowa), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) are also in the ‘dump Boehner’ camp … nearly 30 Republicans would need to vote against the incumbent leader to force a second ballot.” HOPE FOR GAS TAX INCREASE? Top Senate GOPer opens door to gas tax hike. The Hill: “Sen. Jim Thune (R-S.D.) signaled Sunday that Republicans might be open to negotiating increasing the gas tax in order to pay for the highway infrastructure spending bill that expires in May … Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) had proposed cutting other taxes while raising the gas tax user fee $0.12. ‘I don’t think we take anything off the table at this point,’ said Thune, who will chair the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. ‘Those discussions continue… It is important that we fund infrastructure.” Sen. Sanders announces plans for $1T infrastructure bill: “Sen. Bernie Sanders said on Saturday that he will introduce legislation when the new session of Congress convenes this month to authorize a $1 trillion, multi-year program to rebuild crumbling roads and bridges and invest in other infrastructure modernization projects. The investment not only would begin to address a growing backlog of badly-needed repairs, it also would put 13 million Americans to work at decent-paying jobs…” BREAKFAST SIDES Robert Kuttner warns about European trade deal: “The next TTIP negotiating round — the eighth — is expected in February. We have to hope that TTIP will die of its own weight. Then, perhaps, leaders on both continents can focus on the true pressing economic issues of our era…” HHS, insurers joust over Medicare Advantage. The Hill: “The industry is hoping to rack up another win by keeping MA rates stable in February, when the administration is expected to propose new payment levels for the plans. Lobbyists fear that the administration might reduce those payment rates in an effort to equalize per-capita spending between traditional Medicare and MA, which is known for free perks such as eyeglasses and hearing aids.” Progressive Breakfast is a daily morning email highlighting news stories of interest to activists. Progressive Breakfast is a project of the Campaign for Americas Future. more » Connect with Us: Facebook Twitter Google+ Comments/Tips: [email protected] Web: Make a Donation
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:51:08 +0000

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