TODAY ON FRANKLY SPEAKING - AND IT CAME TO PASS It continues, it keeps going on and on and on. It never stops. Life keeps going on and on, the seconds, the minutes the hours and the days never seize or stop, it just keeps going on and on. And as I think about it, I tried to imagine a world without a clock or a calendar. A world without time, seasonal or occasional classifications and identification. Imagine life as a long stretch, so long and undivided, unnamed, unidentified by names of days or names of months, only represented by sunrise and sunset, a life where names or numbers dont indicate seasons and time; an existence we cant read or identify or define. I wonder how life was with the people that existed before the Egyptians developed the clock thousands of years ago. No precise records of days, dates of occasions and events. No birthdates or birthdays. A man is born and he just keeps existing and aging till he eventually becomes pretty old and he passes away. He would have lived just one full stretch of life, unmarked and undefined by minutes, hours and days and years. A stretch of time – a lifetime. Come to think of it, its actually how life is – a long stretch of existence. You sleep and wake up and the days keep going by and your life keeps unfolding. You continue to grow, become mature, then you age and eventually pass on. This is the reality of life, it never stops, ladies and gentlemen, life in reality has no regard for calendars. Every day is 24 hours no matter how important or unimportant the day is. Time, occasions, events, celebrations and dates only exist in our minds. And the benefit is basically the opportunity to measure our time. The purpose of the clock or calendar is measurement essentially. It is a measuring apparatus for time. A clock or a calendar doesnt have the power to elongate or diminish time, all it does is tell time. The clock cannot increase the number of your days neither can it reduce it, all it does is measure your life duration and indicate its use up. A calendar cannot do anything to time, it only reports time and communicates seasons. This measurement is very useful and critical in maintaining a much organised social order. It helps in the calculation of duration. How much of time one should invest in anything. Calendar tells us a full week is seven days, a month is an average of 4 full weeks, and a year is 12 complete months. Calendar only provides information about time and seasons to enable mankind plan effectively and function efficiently, these two measuring apparatus; the clock and the calendar can at best only measure time. They inform us and help us recognise and understand duration, periods and seasons and with the information, mankind, acts and reacts appropriately. The calendar, the clock cannot increase or reduce time, they cant hasten it up or slow it down, time is too powerful for the clock or calendar to control or manipulate. Time is life itself. Do you realise dear friend that the last day of a year and the first day of the following year is exactly the same? There is nothing special or spectacular or different about these two days accept of course in the mind of mankind. The last day of the year and the first day of another year is exactly the same thing and guess what, its just another day. In fact to see how independent time is of the clock and the calendar, time is time universally but the clock and calendar vary from place to place. What the clock says and the calendar reads vary from continent to continent and from country to country. But when something happens, it happens at the same time on earth, the clock and the calendar would then report the event within the context of regions and locations on the planet. Let me explain this, if there is an earthquake for example, there is an earthquake. Different clocks and calendars all over the world would then need to report the event within the context of their clock and calendar reading based on their location. Dear friend, your life; your time is actually independent of the clock and calendar. Let me make this clear. If you travel away from Nigeria to another country and this country is probably 6 hours ahead or behind Nigeria in clock reading. You dont become six hours older or younger because you relocated. If its 18 hours or even 24 hours ahead or behind Nigeria in clock reading, you dont become 18 or 24 hours older or younger. You are still you and your age is still your age, the clock or the calendar notwithstanding, your life, your time is independent of the clock and calendar. Dear friend, your life should not be subject to the clock or the calendar, your life is superior to the clock or the calendar, your life is more powerful than these measuring apparatus, your time is indeed your life. Dear friend, many today have refused to activate very great potentials and possibilities in their lives because they have unconsciously subjugated their lives to the measuring tools of the clock and the calendar. What you should have done ten years ago, you didnt do even though you had all it took to do it and be very successful. You decided against doing it because according to the calendar and the clock, you were too young, even though in capacity, knowledge, and strength you could. You became trapped in time measurements and failed to activate a great dream. Many also who can still try out very exciting and great feats are reluctant. Although they have everything it takes to start and be very successful, they look at time measurement apparatus of the calendar and the clock and believe theyre too old and its too late to do anything. Many also are very ready to lunch out on their dreams and visions and purposes. They know now is the time to do it, but they also bow to the measurement tools of time, called the clock and the calendar and say to themselves they still have time, hence they procrastinate. Pushing to tomorrow what they need to do and can do today. I believe two strong oppositions to anyone in unleashing great potentials and possibilities is the clock and the calendar. You have all it takes to start and grow a very successful multibillion dollar business at age 22. You know within yourself, youre ready and ripe. Youre willing to take the risk and very ready to perform. The talent, energy, passion and aggression are there. Suddenly you look at the calendar, calculate your so-called age and you bow to procrastination, saying youre too young to try; believing in essence youre too young to do something phenomenal , then you let it go; you miss your time and miss the opportunity. You look at you and the dream youve always carried for almost 20 to 30 years; still burning hot within you. The passion is still there, you still love to do it and really want to do it. But, you look at the calendar and say to yourself, its too late, you say youre too old just because youre only 50 and on that account, you let go the opportunity to enjoy the rest and best days of your life, doing that youve always wanted and fulfilling your purpose. Ladies and gentlemen, open your mind and listen to me, as valuable and as important as the clock and the calendar are, they can also trap your dreams and vision depending on the interpretation you give to what they say and the meaning you make of the reading. Ladies and gentlemen, let today mark the beginning of your freedom from what the clock and calendar keep saying and your not-so-positive interpretation. Youre never too young, youre never too old, its never too late; its never too early. As long as you have breathe and you believe you can, please go for your goals and pursue your dreams. Its in your mind and spirit to manifest your greatness. Set yourself free from the bondage of dates and age. You can do whatever you want to do. All you need is the education, the knowledge, the capacity and ability. You can learn at any time, you can start when you chose to, you can grow with time and be the best of what you love to become. Come on. Wake up and stop floating through time. Being young is not immaturity and being old is not being outdated. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and capacity makes the difference. What you know you know, and what you dont know you do not know your age not-withstanding. Wake up my friends, lets activate our dreams and visions. Your potentials the world awaits, dont let this generation down. Your success eventually is determined by what you invest in every minute. What you know today you need not learn tomorrow, what you can do today you need not learn to do again tomorrow. Dont let your life slip through your fingers, redeem your time, the days are evil. Conquer everyday by extracting maximum value from it. Sit down today and make your plans, draw up your strategy, analyse your situation, acknowledge what you lack and identify your strengths, go for the help you need and connect with those who would help you. Secure your life, secure your future, be in charge and take control. Dont just wait for things to happen, make things happen for you. Dont plan your life hoping people you know would make it happen for you, get your hands and head working and do all you need to do. Dont give up, be courageous, be confident, try and try again until you succeed. You are not designed to fail, youre built to succeed. You only loose when youve lost in your mind. This new year, make all your dreams and goals a reality. Write the exam, register for the program, start the business, seek for the contract, write the proposal again, get married, give love a chance again, learn the skill, register the business name, develop the website, read the book, write the book, loose the weight, learn to cook, dress better, look better, speak better, buy the laptop, add to your knowledge, do all you desire to do, make sure they come to pass. You can do it, trust me, you can do it.Enjoy your day. Previous Post: TODAY ON FRANKLY SPEAKING - UNLEASH THE TALENTS Up Next: End of posts here Comments
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:08:11 +0000

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