TODAY STORY LINE: - TopicsExpress


TODAY STORY LINE: STORY OF HUNTER AND A BIRD Once upon a time, a hunter shot down a bird, his arrow injured one of its wing. The hunter could speak the bird’s language and when the bird begged him not to kill her, her surprise, the hunter said, in her own language,’ I don’t want to kill you, but I have no other food to eat.’ The bird promised him that she would return his leniency by finding food for him. Once she could fly again. The bird had only one condition: the hunter had to share any finding with her, the hunter agreed. True to her word, the bird passed on information to the hunter,” there is a dead squirrel up the mountain by the big rock”. The hunter was ecstatic, he followed the bird’s guidance and found the squirrel. He happily shared the hunter with other food and their sharing arrangement continued. But gradually the hunter became greedy and stopped sharing with the bird. The bird wants revenge. One day the bird told him about a dead goat. The hunter followed the bird’s instructions and rushed to the location. From the distance he could see a white object lying on the ground, surrounded by a small group of people. He was worried that those people who had arrived before him would take the goat. He rushed towards the goat, that’s mine! I killed him! But the white object was not a goat. It was a man wearing a white shirt, the hunter was charged with the man’s murder and was sentenced to death by hundered cuts. The hunter told his story about the bird, and appealed to a higher court. The higher court judge didn’t believe that the man could speak the bird’s language, so on the day of his execution the judged asked the hunter what are those two birds saying up in the tree? The hunter replied,” the birds are angry about the missing children and said” judge, judge. There is no animosity between us, why did you hide our babies? The judged found the hunter innocent and released him, for the judge had secretly removed the young birds from the nest, to test the hunter innocence.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:48:02 +0000

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