TODAY! TODAY! TODAY! Making Connections Ultimate Power - TopicsExpress


TODAY! TODAY! TODAY! Making Connections Ultimate Power Networking Combined Targeted Networking Board & Business Switch! Guaranteed To Make New and Real Business Contacts BIGGEST BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT OF 2014 Sponsored By Emmerson Brando Wednesday, December 10, 2014 The long awaited Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB) Convention. Our last networking portion of our last convention held in Calgary had 537 people networking. We are extremely excited for this convention that will once again be held in Calgary. Making Connections is the ultimate Power networking that combines our Targeted Networking Board and Business Switch where you are guaranteed to make new and real business contacts. This has been proven time after time to be the most effective business networking in Calgary! What To Expect & What Makes This Networking Event Different? Expect a full house and some great food such as a Baron Of Beef and very structured and effective networking such as follows: Targeted Networking Board – When you walk into the networking event and register you will be greeted by one of our Executive Council members and they will direct you towards the Targeted Networking Board where your business card will be placed along with other attendees. At this time you will be asked to review the cards to see if there is anyone in attendance you would like to be introduced to and one of our Executive members will introduce you. This allows for very effective networking. The Business Switch - Unlike other networking events where you walk into a full event and leave without contacts, we guarantee you will several qualified contacts. Our Vice President Sid Helishauer every 25 minutes quiets the room down an herds the attendees into the middle of the room. Everyone will be asked to ready their business cards and approach someone they do not know. Then all are instructed to to give their 30 second infomercial about who they are, what their business and what is a good lead is for them. Sid will then yell “Switch” and the other individual will then do their pitch and this will continue a few rounds. This form of networking breaks the ice and creates a serious networking buzz! Our Making Connections event with our Targeted Networking Board and The Business Switch has proven to be the best networking event in Calgary. Being that we have not done this in 3 years we do expect Calgary to be in a Stampeded to get to this event! We are inviting members of several organizations to participate from the PGIB, PGIBW, Canadian Leadership Institute (CLI), Probus, CGAA, BNI, CIBN, Chamber of Commerce, BBB and others. We have an abundance mentality and want to share that with all entrepreneurs in the Calgary area. PGIB does have other networking events and some are good and some suck, but, our Making Connections convention events are amazing! You are guaranteed to make new contacts and almost everyone walks out with new business. Seriously, if you do not walk out with solid leads, you did not make an effort to even say hello to someone at the event! WHAT: Business Networking DATE: December 10, 2014 TIME: 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM LOCATION: Coast Plaza Hotel - 1316 33 Street NE, Calgary COST: $20 (includes power networking and some great food like a Baron of Beef). $10 for members of PGIB, CIBN or CLI DISPLAY TABLE: $500 (includes display table for the Business Networking portion & Dinner portion & 1 Dinner ticket and 25 tickets to give to your customers for entrance for Business Networking portion) TO REGISTER: Call 403-720-2143 OR email [email protected] These are the best events put on by PGIB. I get business every time Mike Havery - The Mortgage Architect I walk away with quality leads Sid Helishauer - Dynamic Images I attend the networking and dinner events and make new contacts and support the cause David Crutcher - Ramatek Inc. The Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB) is Calgarys largest business and taxpayer organization with over 5,000 supporters in Calgary alone. Call 403-720-2143 OR email [email protected] Rule # 22: Never miss a meeting if you think that there is the slightest chance you will have wish you had been there.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:02:49 +0000

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