TODAY, many of our American Militia Freedom Forces have - TopicsExpress


TODAY, many of our American Militia Freedom Forces have volunteered to guard our CA, AZ, NM, and TX border, because our U.S. Government REFUSES to do their duty under the RULE of the laws that We The People ordained and established UPON them, to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. FOR THAT REASON numerous American Militia Freedom Forces have STEPPED UP to protect America in their stead. YOUre the BEST because your hearts lead and your love of The REPUBLIC has lead you to risk your very lives for the rest of our American brethren at home. While our MSM and many Americans have forgotten your service at the Battle of Bunkerville Nevada, only a few short months ago, and on the border today; I and my Patriots DO REMEMBER you and SUPPORT YOU, the men and women of the 10 U.S. Code § 311 - UNORGANIZED Militia... I know that you are of many from the American Armed Forces, but I can only select one song at a time in this posts. But nevertheless I honor each and every one of you who sacrifice for us individual Americans and American families, as you risk your lives for us every day, my brothers in arms. And, I thank you, the Free and The Brave. I will meet you on the field of battle again one day for the Holy cause of FREEDOM and to Restore the RULE of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws upon our elected, non-elected and wannabe elected Republican and Democrat enemy usurpers of our Bill of Rights and our Constitutional laws upon them and their hired alphabet soup Federal agencies of corruption, tyranny, constitutional contempt and coercion, my brothers. To your HONOR I submit this video, FOR YOU TRULY FIGHT FOR THE RULE OF our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, which Support, protect and defend our ENTIRE Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and our WHOLE Constitution: May God Bless our American Militia Freedom Forces. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:02:08 +0000

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