TODAYS BIBLE LESSON Esther 6:6 When Haman entered, the king asked - TopicsExpress


TODAYS BIBLE LESSON Esther 6:6 When Haman entered, the king asked him, “What should be done for the man the king delights to honor?” Now Haman thought to himself, “Who is there that the king would rather honor than me?” 7So he answered the king, “For the man the king delights to honor, 8have them bring a royal robe the king has worn and a horse the king has ridden, one with a royal crest placed on its head. 9Then let the robe and horse be entrusted to one of the king’s most noble princes. Let them robe the man the king delights to honor, and lead him on the horse through the city streets, proclaiming before him, ‘This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!’ ” 10“Go at once,” the king commanded Haman. “Get the robe and the horse and do just as you have suggested for Mordecai the Jew, who sits at the king’s gate. Do not neglect anything you have recommended.” 11So Haman got the robe and the horse. He robed Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the city streets, proclaiming before him, “This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!” 12Afterward Mordecai returned to the king’s gate. But Haman rushed home, with his head covered in grief, 13and told Zeresh his wife and all his friends everything that had happened to him. His advisers and his wife Zeresh said to him, “Since Mordecai, before whom your downfall has started, is of Jewish origin, you cannot stand against him—you will surely come to ruin!” Haman you have taken this human recognition too far, your wife and the people around you advices will bear no mo re fruits, The time for Mordecai to be favored by GOD has come, all the ill treatment you have done to him you must pay, whatever you meant for his death will be used against you, all the desire of you heart to be recognized will be granted to Mordecai, For GOD has turned the situation, You must get the robe and the horse and robed Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the city streets, proclaiming before him, “This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!” and after all these remember that you have a pole set up for Mordecai to be hugged, its now you to die, God will change all that the devil has planned to you for destruction, and will use it for you glory, don’t mind what they say about you, about what they call you, about how many times you fall, all will be well Mordecai when Haman days will be over. Shalom
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:23:16 +0000

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