TODAYS DEVOTIONAL 5TH MARCH, 2014 GREAT IS YOUR REWARD IN HEAVEN But many who seem to be important now will be the least important then, and those who are considered least here will be the greatest then. Matthew 19:30 A missionary couple who had served for many years in Africa were returning to the United States. Leaving Africa with broken health and no pension, they felt defeated, discouraged, and afraid. As it turned out, the president of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt, was travelling on the same ship. Of course, it caused a great commotion as everyone tried to catch a glimpse of the president, who was returning from a hunting expedition. The missionary commented to his wife, Something is wrong. Why should we, who have given our lives in service to the Lord all these years in Africa, come back and not receive any fanfare or attention? And this man, who has done nothing more than just go on a hunting trip, is the centre of attention. It just doesnt seem right. When the ship arrived, a brass band played and the mayor welcomed the president. The missionary was so discouraged. It isnt fair, he told his wife. Why have we not received any attention or adulation for what we have done? God is not treating us fairly. She said, Honey, why dont you just go tell that to the Lord? A bit later, he was smiling. His wife said, You look different. What happened? He said, Well, I told the Lord how bitter I was. Then it seemed as though the Lord put His hand on my shoulder and said, Son, youre not home yet. God sees those things you do for Him, and He will reward you richly. He has promised to meet all your needs on earth. But remember, your true reward is being stored up for you in heaven. You shall receive a rich welcome into His Gods Kingdom when Christ is revealed in glory. Prayer: Lord, help me focus on my reward in heaven so I may serve with all diligence. Scriptural Reading: Matthew 19:23-30 Living word Devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:07:29 +0000

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