TODAYS KNS NEWS BULLITIEN Irregularities in selection of - TopicsExpress


TODAYS KNS NEWS BULLITIEN Irregularities in selection of Class-IV posts Director School Education orders inquiry Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): A day after some irregularities in the Class-IV appoints in Central Kashmir’s Budgam came to fore, the Director School Education (DSE) Thursday ordered a full dress inquiry into the matter. According to the KNS correspondent, the dropout candidates of the list of class-IV posts in Education Department alleged “massive irregularities” over the recruitment process and urged government to initiate high level probe as to “who is who” were absorbed and appointed in the final selection list. Chief Education Officer, Budgam after issuing the final selection list candidates for class-IV, notified under CEOB/NT/ADV/14/22349 came under severe criticism from some of the members of selection committee and all the dropout candidates. Reports informed that a full dress inquiry into the complaint regarding the recruitment of Class-IV in Budgam district. A committee comprising of Joint Director (EE), OSD (IMW), and Deputy Director Planning (DSEK) have been directed to investigate the matter. The committee has been asked to furnish the comprehensive report to the Director School Education Kashmir within three weeks time positively. . The Office of the Director School Education has also written to the Chief Education Officer, asking him to keep the selection list of the appointees in abeyance till further orders. Omar should continue as caretaker CM: Soz ‘His stepping down could create constitutional issues in JK’ Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): As the speculations over the stepping down of Omar Abdullah from the post of the caretaker chief minister galore, the state Congress chief Saif-ud-din Soz Thursday said Omar should continue in the interests of the state. Talking to KNS, Soz said the stepping down of Omar as the caretaker chief minister would create ‘constitutional problems’ in JK. “On one side, Omar sahib is right that it has taken a long in the formation of the new government in Jammu and Kashmir. He must be feeling fed up as in the care taker government, the administration becomes weak. He doesn’t want to take blame on himself.” “Having said this, I would like to suggest to Omar sahib that he should not insist in quitting his post,” said the state Congress chief. He added that the Governor of the state as the constitutional head had earlier requested Omar to continue. “It will create constitutional problem and that Omar Sahib should avoid this decision in the interests of the state,” said Soz. Pertinently, Omar is believed to have told the state Governor that it was not possible for him to provide relief as a caretaker Chief Minister to the people along the border in Jammu where constant shelling has led to loss of houses and migration to safer places. He was not in a position to help people affected by the floods in the Valley who are facing a harsh winter. Geelani demands unconditional release of all political prisoners Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): While demanding unconditional release and cancellation of criminal cases of all the pro-freedom prisoners of Kashmir who are serving life term, chairman Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Geelani Thursday said, “Kashmir is an international level dispute and this region comes under the ambit of conflict zones of the world so, all the prisoners related to this issue are political prisoners and they can’t be detained for the whole life nor can they be treated as professional criminals.” Demanding release of Dr. Mohammad Qasim, Ghulam Qadir Bhat, Dr. Mohammad Shafi Khan Shariti, Nazir Ahmad Shaikh, Mohammad Ayoub Dar, Mohammad Ayoub Mir, Fayaz Ahmad Peer, Mohammad Amin Wani, Noor Mohammad Tantray, Farooz Ahmad Bhat, Fida Ahmad, Mohammad Hussain, Ghulam Mohammad Bhat, Mohammad Ishaq Palla, Abdul Waheed Nayak, Bashir Ahmad Bhat, Mushtaq Ahmad Malla, Mohammad Maqbool, Sharif-ud-din, Gayas-ud-din, Muhmood Topiwala, Parvaiz Mir, Abdul Gani Goni and Showkat Ahmad Khan, Geelani in a statement from New Delhi to KNS said, “Political prisoners are periodically released in all the disputed regions of the world including Palestine but this process is yet to start in India and they doesn’t pay any heed to the international principles.” “With the world community, India and Pakistan governments also accept the Kashmir as a Human issue and the right to self determination of the people of Kashmir which is present into the UN Charter is still pending. He said that the people who are being arrested in this perspective are termed as political prisoners and they can neither be treated at par with the professional criminals and nor can they be punished under the criminal laws. Although armed struggle is the part of every freedom movement of the world even then it can’t be linked with the terrorism,” he added. The Hurriyat (G) chairman said that the people like Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dave and Raj Guru who led an armed struggle for the freedom of India, are not remembered as terrorists “but they are treated as national heroes by the India and they are supposed to be respected by the every section of the society.” “So in this way the people who have chosen this path for getting the right to self determination of the people of Kashmir are in no way any professional criminals and nor have they anything to do with the terrorism. They are people with solid ideologies and they are well read people,” Geelani said. “Terming the political prisoners as professional criminals and registering criminal cases and announcing punishments against them is the clear violation of the international laws and it doesn’t have any moral justification. India is claiming to be a big democratic country in the world and it is also desirous to become the permanent member of the UNO so, it is essential for him to obey all the laws and principles which have been setup for the political prisoners by the world body and which are being followed in every conflict zone of the world,” he said. The Hurriyat (G) chairman appealed the officials of the Amnesty International and the Red Cross to use their influence for the unconditional release and cancellation of the criminal cases of all the prisoners of Kashmir. Hurriyat (M) executive council members meet Take stock of existing political situation in sub-continent Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Thursday convened a meeting of executive council members of the separatist conglomerate at Mirwaiz Manzil Nigeen, here. In a statement to KNS a spokesman of the Hurriyat (M) said all the executive members including Professor Abdul Gani Bhat, Moulana Abbas Ansari, Agha Syed Hassan Al Moosvi Al Safvi, Musadiq Adil, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza, representative of Bilal Gani Lone, Khaleel Ahmad Khaleel, and conglomerates political secretary Abdul Majeed Banday participated in the meet. “During the meeting the participants took stock of the existing political situation in the sub-continent and also discussed party matters. Expressing serious concern over the recent escalation of violence on borders between Indian and Pakistan, the participants stressed upon the leadership of both the countries to exhibit political maturity and farsightedness by taking steps to prevent the delicate situation from turning out of hand. The participants stated that before the situation takes an ugly turn, leadership of both the countries should shed their confrontational approach and take serious initiatives to solve the issues between them,” he said. “The participants stated that talk of peace and prosperity in the region were meaningless without solving the Kashmir dispute on urgent basis according to the political aspirations of Kashmiris. The participants stated that significance and sensitivity of Kashmir issue cannot be diluted by taking support of sham elections, backdoor politics, or by clash of cultures and identity. Hence, the solution of Kashmir on urgent basis becomes inevitable to extricate more than a billion people inhabiting the sub-continent from insecurity and instability towards the path of progress and prosperity in the changing global scenario,” he added. The spokesman said the participants felt that Kashmiris living across the borders become victims of tension prevailing between the two countries. “To put an end to the bloodshed and violence, they stated that it was important that both countries should sit together and hammer out the solutions to their existing issues,” he said and added the participants also stated that there was a need to strengthen the conglomerates activities at the grass root level. GOI spends 317 crore on migrant Pandits, mere 4 crores on orphans, widows Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): During the past 19 months, Rs 317 crore have been spent on migrant Kashmiri Pandits while as a mere amount of Rs four crore has been spent upon widows and orphans in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. According to the KNS correspondent, a big chunk of the SRE-R&R money was spent on Kashmiri migrants – Rs. 206.76 crores in 2013-14. This is a third of the total SRE spend on both police and R&R taken together. During the first seven months of the financial year 2014-15 the amount spend was Rs. 109.73 crores. “I have not come across names of the beneficiaries which are required to be proactively disclosed by the Government of J&K under Section 4(1)(b) of the J&K RTI Act,” said Venkatesh Nayak, a Delhi based activist affiliated with ‘Access to Information Programme’ a Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative obtained some details of how the Government of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) spent the money under the Central Government’s Security-related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme since April 2013. Meanwhile, Nayak said that the relief for rehabilitation of widows and orphans cost Rs. 2.9 crores in 2013-14 and Rs. 1.14 crores during the first 7 months of the current financial year. “I presume these are for the non-migrant Kashmiri families but cannot be sure. RTI activists must demand proactive dislcosure of the names of these beneficiaries as well under the J&K RTI Act,” reports quoting Nayak said. NC only party that guarantees to protect Article 370: Sagar Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): Stating that National Conference is the only party that guarantees to protect the Article 370, party General Secretary Advocate Ali Mohammad Sagar Thursday said history is witness to the fact that NC has always stood by its people. Addressing a meeting of party workers, activists at the district headquarters at Shopian, Pulwama, Ganderbal and Pulwama districts, Sagar emphasized the need of involving more and more youngsters into the party fold and said they are the torch bearers for future of Jammu and Kashmir State. “There are party trying to hoodwink this agenda that they are the sole custodians of the people’s rights, but in reality they are the ones who have worked tirelessly to erode the special status of Jammu and Kashmir over the years,” Sagar said addressing the meetings. He said parties that today claim to protect the special status of Jammu and Kashmir state, helped different governments at centre to erode the article 370 gradually. “Right from 1953-75, these groups and individuals with the support of anti-Kashmir elements, eroded Article 370 over the years. Article 370 is the foundation and basis of the relationship between the state and the rest of country. The NC will press for the reversal of the erosion with letter and spirit of this article which guarantees special status to the state,” Sagar said. He said National Conference won’t allow the sacrifices of the martyrs to go waste who sacrificed their lives for our better tomorrow. “National Conference stands by its commitment of prosperous, self-reliable and democratic Kashmir. People associated with the NC won’t budge till the complete autonomy is restored, AFSPA is revoked from entire Kashmir and the issue of Kashmir is solved amicably,” he said. The NC leader said many parties, especially those floated by intelligence agencies, in connive with some groups in the centre have been covertly working hand-in-glove to erode article 370. He cautioned that the revocation of article 370 will weaken the integrity of the country and pose a serious threat to the peace in state. Sagar said the vote share of the National Conference as compared to past years has increased tremendously and so have the responsibilities of the leaders associated with it. “In the recently concluded assembly elections, about 10 Lakh people voted for NC which is one lakh more than the elections of 2008. We promise people that NC leadership stands by them and will work hard for the welfare of the people, whatever the conditions may be,” he said. Pinpointing the achievements of Omar Abdullah’s tenure as Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Sagar said these years witnessed a lot development in the state and the pro-youth initiatives taken by Omar Abdullah are historic. “Pro-youth initiatives like Himayat Scheme, SKEWP, Udaan and Centre’s Scholarships for youth, were a gift by Omar Abdullah Sahib to the youth of the state, who reposed their faith in the young and dynamic leader. It was only during his tenure that 500 youth returned from Pakistan Administered Kashmir through rehabilitation policy who are now living a peaceful life with their families,” he said. The meetings were also addressed by Provincial President National Conference, Nasir Aslam Wani, who stressed upon the party district presidents and other senior party functionaries to work for strengthening roots of the party. Gear up to mitigate peoples’ problems: MLA Gulmarg tells officers Tangmarg, Jan 8 (KNS): Newly elected MLA from Gulmarg, Mohammad Abbas Wani Thursday said that peoples’ welfare will be prioritized during his tenure where indefatigable efforts will be pooled in for betterment of the constituency. While chairing his first meeting with the concerned administration in Townhall here, Wani impressed upon the officers to work with missionary zeal and ensure speedy redressal to the grievances and issues confronting the people in his constituency. “I haven’t become MLA to enjoy all the powers and perks it brings…. I have assumed the charge of the things here just to dedicate myself to the welfare of the people of this constituency. All of you should work tirelessly bringing all of your suggestions and recommendations along the board. I assure you full support and all possible help in transforming the fortunes of the people here,” Wani asked the officers. Directing the officers to be at their toes in meeting any eventuality in the coming winter times, Wani said that as Gulmarg records heavy snowfall preparedness in advancement should be prioritized to ward off any thing capable of troubling the common man. “Gulmarg receives a lot of snowfall which majorly impacts the villages in its vicinity. Snow clearance should be prioritized. Apart from clearing the interior roads clearance of Tangmarg-Gulmarg-Narbal road should be done at the drop of the hat as winter tourism activities in Gulmarg are directly linked to it,” Wani underlined. Elaborating, the MLA-elect said that snow clearance in the interiors should also be done at the earliest to keep the commoners connected with the rest of the constituency as well as the Valley. Underscoring the need of easy distribution of ration and other essential commodities, Wani said that more ration depots will be made operational for benefit of the common masses. Taking strong note of the reported discrepancies in awarding the IAY cases, Wani said that the said cases should be provided to the beneficiaries in a hassle free manner. “I had received a lot of complaints regarding charges of discrepancies in the IAY cases. It was alleged that persons involved in awarding the cases used to take their share from the amount meant for the beneficiary. “However, from now onwards no such discrimination will be tolerated. Irrespective of the party affiliations, the deserving beneficiaries will get their shares without a single penny charged from it,” added Wani. On the availability of the potable water, the MLA- Gulmarg directed the concerned officers to ensure uninterrupted supply particularly during the current winter season. Similarly, Wani stressed on the need of interrupted electricity supply in Tangmarg mainly during the winter times when people face harsh weather conditions here. The MLA Gulmarg asked the forest officials to keep fuel (wood) available for the people here particularly ensure that all the mosques get their equal share for fuel purposes during the current winter season. Assuring his full support in providing people with better healthcare, Wani said that he will be open to suggestions aiming at improving the health standards. He assured his full support in addressing all the areas creating hurdles in providing better health care to the patients. “Healthcare receives a lot of focus across the world. Since a huge chunk of the people in my constituency live in villages I am open to suggestions and recommendations to provide best health facilities to my people,” added Wani. SDM Tangmarg, Executive Engineer GDA and PHE (Tangmarg), BMO Tangmarg, Tehsildar Tangmarg, BDO Tangmarg, Karhama and Kunzer, officials from Social Welfare, horticulture and agriculture Department besides ZEO Kunzer, Tangmarg and officials from all the other concerned departments were present in the meeting. Come to rescue of common people: Soz to administration Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): State Congress president Prof. Saifuddin Soz was caught in a traffic Jam near Singpora Pattan where hundreds of angry people had blocked the road against drinking water scarcity. In a statement to KNS a spokesman of the party said, “Prof. Soz has to put in a sizeable effort to convince the people to allow him to seek redressal of their grievances from the administration. Prof. Soz sorted out the problem with Muzaffar Lankar Chief Engineer PHE who assured him that the problem would be resolved soon.” “Later Prof. Soz learnt that the problem was actually related to power supply. He expressed anxiety that the essential coordination among various departments was missing and the result was that common people were suffering. Prof Soz urged the heads of the departments to come to the rescue of common people and ensure that the people were not made to face hardship during the present conditions of fragile administration and severe cold weather,” he added. Congress constitutes committees for membership drive in JK Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): In the backdrop of defeat in the recent Assembly elections Jammu and Kashmir state Congress has set up two panels for its membership drive in a bid to lift the moral of the party. “Prof. Saifuddin Soz MP, Former Union Minister & President J&K Pradesh Congress Committee has constituted following two Committees for Jammu and Kashmir provinces. These Committees will ensure that the Membership drive is completed properly through the State by the end of February 2015,” a spokesperson of the Congress said in a statement to KNS. The Committee includes Shamlal Sharma, Chairman, Raman Bhalla, Shabir Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Sharief Niaz, Dr. Manohar Lal Sharma, Kanta Bhan, Ch. Mohammad Akram, Shiv Dev Singh, Brij Mohan Sharma, S Manjeet Singh, and Shamlal Bhagat (all members) for Jammu province. G. A. Mir, Chairman, Khemlata Wakhloo, T. Samphel (Leh), Gulam Raza (Kargil), Nazir Ahmad Khan, Shoiab Nabi Lone, S. S. Chenni, Hilal Shah, Imtiyaz Parray, Mohammad Maqbool Bhat, Sahil Farooq, Ghulam Hassan Sheikh, (all members) for Kashmir region. “The two Committees will ensure that membership has been completed properly and the same process will be concluded within the stipulated time,” he added. New Delhi ‘eroding’ Muslim majority status of Kashmir since decades: Shabir Shah ‘If we fail to stop this onslaught, history will never forgive us’ Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): Rejecting the intervention of Parliamentary committee with regards to immigrants, Hurriyat Conference Jammu Kashmir (HCJK) leader and chairman Democratic Freedom Party Shabir Ahmad Shah Thursday alleged that every attempt to change the demography of Jammu and Kashmir state will be fought tooth and nail. Terming such intervention as ‘game plan’ of Hindutva, Shah said, “Rulers in New Delhi, since last six decades, were planning to erode the Muslim majority status of Jammu Kashmir. Now, as communal forces have replaced those in Jammu who migrated to Azad Kashmir, thousands of non-state subjects were settled there under a well-planned conspiracy.” Rejecting the provision of voter cards and state subjects in favour of migrants, Shah said, “All these attempts are aimed at changing the demography and Muslim majority status of the state. Such attempts will give rise to a never ending political uprising.” Drawing attention of resistance powers, Shah said, “We have to chart out an active counter strategy to curb all those attempts that pose threat to the very existence of our identity of the state. Before taking any such unconstitutional decision, the government should have thought of those who were forced to live a life of exile during partition and all the property rights of those Muslims who were massacred under a nefarious policy of Maharaja Hari Singh and Sardar Patel.” Expressing wonder over the sick-mindedness of Indian rulers, Shah said, “In the name of progress and development, they are exploiting these migrants for their petty political gains. Rejecting the division of state under communal lines, Shah said that Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh are a single entity and we will never allow anyone to interfere in the geographical position of these regions.” “The pro-freedom leadership has to adopt a firm position in this regard and have to rise unitedly against such communal designs of these elements. If we’ll not act immediately to stop this onslaught, the history will never forgive us. So the need of the hour is to act as a stumbling block to these communal elements and defeat their every policy,” Shah added. Rajendra flags off new vehicles for police stations Jammu, Jan 8 (KNS): Underscoring the importance of Police Stations in reaching out to the common masses, Jammu and Kashmir Police is upgrading the mobility network and functioning of police stations across the State. A police station is the first responder to the complaints of public and they have expectations with this basic unit of the Organization. This was disclosed by the Director General of Police (DGP), K. Rajendra Kumar, while flagging off new vehicles for 107 Police Stations of various zones in Jammu and Kashmir, at a simple function held at Police Headquarters (PHQ) here this morning. He said that in view of the responsibilities and expectations of public, the Organization has been focusing on upgrading the mobility and other working conditions of all police stations in the State. The Organizations is focusing on up-gradation of all police components including the Police Stations with modern facilities to strengthen the networking of all police units. Under the modernization programme, the Organization is focusing to upgrade the mobility network of all Police Stations across the State, which is the basic requirement of Police Stations. Rajendra said keeping in mind the importance and responsibilities of Police Stations, the Department would strengthen the working in the field of public service and crime detection and would provide all requirements including communication, infrastructure, mobility network facilities, information technology (IT) and expert assistance in handling the day-to-day professional policing. Rajendra said that 107 new vehicles having modern facilities were procured and have been allotted for the police stations of Kashmir and Jammu Zones. The utility of the vehicles would enhance their working and help respond to any situation quickly. He said that mobility has vital importance in providing timely deliverance of justice to the people and the Organization is committed to make all its units self-sufficient and effective. Among others, the function was attended by ADsGP, SP Vaid and Dilbag Singh, IsGP, Dr. B Srinivas, HK Lohia, Deepak Kumar, Alok Puri, MA Khan, Mukesh Singh, SL Sharma, Jagjit Kumar, SA Watali, MA Ganai and JP Singh, DIsGP, SA Beig, Ali Mohammad, VS Samyal, JL Sharma, DPT, Hilal Ahmed, SSP Jammu: Uttam Chand, SSP (APCR), Sham Sunder, AIsGP, SK Mishra, Tahir Sajjad, Rajeshwar Singh and Sheikh Zulfikar Azad, Sr. ADO, BA Shah, Dy SP (A/A), Gulzar Ahmed and other police officers. DC Sgr leads the demolishing drive in City Asks concerned officers to expedite the removing of encroachments Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): Intensifying the removal of encroachments and demolishing of illegal structures constructed on the banks of river Jehlum and its tributaries besides around the flood channel, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Farooq Ahmad Shah alongwith team of officers supervised the demolition drive on the banks of Doodh Ganga here today. Among others, Chief Engineer Irrigation & Flood Control, officers of Srinagar Municipal Corporation and Police department accompanied. During the demolition drive, the inhabitants of the area appreciated the efforts of the Government in removing the encroachments and illegal constructions in the district. Shah enjoined upon the officers concerned to dismantle the illegal constructions and warned those people involved in encroachments of dire consequences. DAK condemns Paris attack Ridiculing Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) outrageous Srinagar Jan 8 (KNS): President Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) Dr Nisar ul Hassan Thursday condemned in strongest terms the deadly shooting attack on the office of satirical magazine Charle Hebdo which left 12 people dead. “This brutal act of terror is shocking, appalling and inhumane. This horrific act is abhorrent and never justifiable and has been committed by enemies of Islam. This evil act is against the teachings of Islam which is a religion of peace and denounces violence. Quran in Surah Maidah states that if anyone kills a human being it would be as if he has killed whole mankind,” Dr Hassan said in a statement to KNS. “Magazine has the history of outraging Muslims by publishing crude cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Despite uproar worldwide against the act of blasphemy by magazine in 2012, French government came in its defense by terming it freedom of press. Magazine has no qualms of lampooning Islam and hurting religious sentiments of Muslims,” he added. Review cases of Sikh political prisoners arrested by previous UPA govts: Ranina to BJP Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): Expressing concern over the continuous fast of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa who is demanding the release of Sikh political prisoners, All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) Thursday said that Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) government at the centre should take immediate steps so that the prisoners are released at the earliest. In a statement APSCC Chairman, Jagmohan Singh Raina said that BJP government should also review cases of all Sikh political prisoners who were arrested by the previous UPA governments in an act of ‘pure vengeance.’ “There is resentment among the Sikhs for the silent treatment of Home Ministry on the issue of Sikh political prisoners. Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa is fighting for the release of Sikh political prisoners who are still languishing in different jails beyond their normal sentence period of 14 years. He has been on a hunger strike for the past 53 days and no serious effort has been taken by the government to motivate him to end the fast,” said APSCC Chairman. Raina said that protest being carried out by renowned Sikh spiritual personality has not been receiving the coverage that is due to it. He said the over-imprisonment is a violation of the basic human rights. He urged the media to give due coverage to this issue so that it may receive the attention of judiciary which in recent past has looked into several such issues on suo motto basis. “There has not been any response from National Human Rights Commission on this issue either. Several global Sikh political groups have also sought UN intervention on this issue, but there has been a very visible lack of interest from government. Home Ministry should not remain silent on such a vital issue and they should take corrective measures at the earliest,” said APSCC Chairman. Raina said that Bhai Gurmeet Singh, Bhai Lakhwinder Singh and Bhai Shamsher Singh are languishing in Burail Jail Chandigarh since 1995. He said that Bhai Lal Singh is languishing in Nabha Jail, Patiala since 1992, Bhai Wariam Singh since 1990 at Bareli Jail (UP) and Bhai Gurdeep Singh Khaira since 1991 at Gulbarg Jail (Karnataka). The APSCC Chairman said that scores of political prisoners in Kashmir have overstayed their imprisonment in different jails both within the state and outside it. He said such political prisoners need to be released immediately so that people have some faith in the delivery of justice system. Taxi Drivers Association Kangan holds elections Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): Elections were held on Thursday in Taxi Drivers Association Kangan wherein President, Vice President and General Secretary was elected by the members of the association. According to the statement issued to KNS, Bashir Ahamd Parray has been elected as the President of the association while as Ghulam Hassan Mir has been elected as the Vice President. General Secretary post has been given to Bilal Ahmad Magray. It was the 19 time when Bashir Ahmad Parray has been elected as the president of the association. He in his brief address stated that the association will continue to render its services for the people of the region and shall strive to emerge as the main transport source for the commoners. DIG NKR chairs Durbar in Handwara Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): Deputy Inspector General North Kashmir Range G.H Bhat chaired a Durbar with the officers and personnel at District Police Lines, Handwara. DIG North Kashmir while interacting with officers and personnel appreciated their dedication and hard work in conducting incident free Parliamentary and Assembly elections. He also applauded the participants for their public friendly attitude and helping hand extended during the recent devastating floods. Among other who attended the Darbar included SP Handwara Ghulam Jeelani, SDPO Handwara Ifroz Ahmad, Dy SP DAR Nisar Ahmad, all SHOs and IC PPs of police district Handwara. The officers and personnel put forward their grievances, highlighted their common problems and other difficulties they face while discharging their duties before the DIG. The DIG made an on spot direction for the immediate redressal of these grievances, difficulties and other related problems, Islamic Front pays tributes to Sajjad Kenu Srinagar, Jan 8 (KNS): The Chairman Of Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front Bilal Ahmad Baigh Thursday paid glowing tributes to the great struggle and sacrifice of renowned Kashmiri freedom commander and senior of Islamic Front Sajjad Ahmad Kenu on 18th martyrdom anniversary. “Sajjad was a great leader who sacrificed his life to nourish the freedom struggle in Kashmir. Shaheed Sajjad was a symbol of courage, fearlessness, religiousness, passion and resistance against the falsehood and injustice. Torture cells, jails, and other method of oppression could not deter Kenu’s from his way and he continued the freedom struggle firmly till his martyrdom. He had to shown to sacrifice for Islam and Azadi and he did that on 8th January 1996, he was martyred,” Islamic Front spokesman Hamza Rasheed in an emailed statement to KNS quoting Bilal Baigh while speaking in a prayer meeting organized in connection with the death anniversary, said. “The day is near when the dawn of freedom would arrive in Jammu and Kashmir and that the blood of the martyrs would not be wasted at any cost,” he added.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 18:16:53 +0000

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