TODAYS L.O.V.E. LESSON: TO HELP YOU DESIGN AND MANIFEST A LIFE OF VICTORY & EXCELLENCE: WHY WE REMAIN IN OUR COMFORT ZONES... Comfort is fine, up to a point, but no-one can Xpect to be spared trouble, pain or inconvenience. Some people rigidly cling to the belief that they should be comfortable at all times, avoiding uncomfortable events they encounter. Although most of us have the potential to tackle the source of our discomfort, many decline to attempt anything constructive, refusing to tolerate the slightest degree of temporary discomfort (even though it might be in their interest). When we avoid short-term discomfort, we actively invite long-term disadvantages, which could have been avoided by initially taking prompt action (and putting up with short-term discomfort). Fear is both the gatekeeper and the task-master that orchestrates movement within all comfort zones. Stepping into unfamiliar territory is invariably accompanied by nervousness or apprehension. Some become prisoners of their own insecurities - fearing change, failure and even success. People seldom procrastinate doing things they enjoy, yet frequently defer... or avoid tasks that involve something new. When we move into uncharted waters, we cannot guarantee a successful outcome. We allow the fear of consequences to deter us from taking action. We hesitate because we view it as too difficult, involving too great a risk, or likely to Xpose our vulnerability. One of the greatest obstacles is the fear of failure. But, all change involves an element of risk. Those who do not Xpose themselves and Xperience set-backs are not attempting anything. Failures are the stepping-stones to success. Our natural reluctance to break out of our comfort zones is also motivated by our unwillingness to accept greater responsibility. By not venturing outside, we eliminate risk but severely limit our personal and professional growth.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 11:25:21 +0000

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