****TODAYS LIGHT**** DEATH IS - TopicsExpress


****TODAYS LIGHT**** DEATH IS ABOLISHED Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling,not according to our works,but according His own purpose and grace,which was given us in christ jesus before the world began,But is now made manifest by the appearing of our saviour jesus christ,who HATH ABOLISHED DEATH and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel 2tim 1:9-10. I want you to note the tenses employed in these verses.firstly,who hath or had SAVED us and CALLED us with an holy calling....;saved and called are rendered in past tense .God saved us and called us,we are the saved and called of God,it cannot get better than this.now it becomes apparent that God saved us and called us pointing to his purpose and grace which was given to us in christ before this world began,i want u to think about this.we were given purpose and grace before God created the world,that means,you and i pre-existed this world. The tenth verse of the same 2timothy one said this purpose and grace given to us before this world came in is now made manifiested to everyone by the coming of our lord jesus who abolished death and had displayed zoe and immortality through the good news we are preaching now.this is beyond religious mind,many find it difficult to believe,they say how can you just say that death has been cancelled? .But the truth is open unto us here,jesusdeath and resurrection was a clear defeat to satan and death .hebrews 2:14-15 said Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood,he(jesus)also himself likewise took part of the same(jesus came as a human being also like sons of men),that through death he(jesus)might destroy(paralyse)him that had the power of death,that is the devil.and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. Jesus came as a human being and at the same time God,thats the reason hes called the son of man.in his humanity it became possible for him to die,in dying he used death as a means of going to hell,in his appearance in hell he fought and defeated the devil who use to have the authority to kill and cast into hell.jesus paralysed him and took the keys of hell and death from him, revelation 1:18;we have been liberated from the bondage caused by the fear of death Halleluia! ....... we dont fear death,Gods type of life have been brought to exhibition by jesus through our good news.jesus had satan knocked down and death defeated,we are now reigning in life .brethren this is the gospel,i know some christians are still finding it difficult to accept this blessed truth of the gospel.that is because they have allowed human thoughts to dictate their understanding of the word of God.we dont have to accept the mentality of when death comes,theres nothing we can do, we have authority over death who is the last enemy of God that shall be destroyed 1cor 15:26.death is already defeated but shall be destroyed at the end of this age in the second advent of jesus,so we have to keep reigning over death till the end of this age.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:01:11 +0000

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