TODAYS NOTABLE AMERICAN HERO NATHAN HALE TODAY IS JULY 4th 2014 -SPECIAL POSTING- Nathan Hale was not a Texan, but most Boomer Texans studied him in history books and admired his greatest sacrifice for the county he love and that would later include Texas. He no longer appears on the pages of the public school history books. They have removed him under the new “Core Standards) inflicted on America by the federal government. This is a shame and I hope our young people will come to know his story. Nathan was a young man who had every prospect for a happy and fulfilling life. He was very well educated for his day — a Yale graduate in an era when very few went to college. Although there are many contemporary accounts regarding his appearance and personality, no negative statements have been recorded; indeed, he was vividly remembered and admired by his acquaintances. Accounts from classmates, friends, relatives, fellow soldiers, teachers, and students all carry the same general theme: that he was kind, gentle, religious, athletic, intelligent, good looking and as one contemporary testified, the idol of all his acquaintances. Unfortunately, details of his spying activities are lost to history. He doubtless spent several days behind enemy lines in his contrived disguise as a schoolmaster looking for work. Before he could return with any useful information, however, the British invaded Manhattan, taking most of the island on September 15th and 16th. His mission negated, Hale probably decided to cross into British-occupied New York City presumably to gain whatever intelligence he could for Washington, who was now entrenched at Harlem Heights. Hale is thought to have returned to Long Island and on the evening of September 21st, he was stopped by British Rangers led by Robert Rogers (of Northwest Passage fame). He was immediately brought for questioning before the British commander, General William. Howe, and certain papers were found on Hales person in code or invisible ink, he was irrevocably compromised. He therefore identified himself, his rank, and the purpose of his mission. Although Howe was moved by the young mans demeanor and patriotism, it could not be denied that he was out of uniform behind enemy lines. The customs of war were clear and Nathan was sentenced and hanged the next day. He had been denied a minister or bible After making a sensible and spirited speech about the love of his country to those few in attendance, the former schoolteacher and Yale graduate was then executed.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 14:52:46 +0000

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