TODAYS POST: THE THINGS WE OFFER... As I sat back this morning - TopicsExpress


TODAYS POST: THE THINGS WE OFFER... As I sat back this morning in our prayer room and meditated on how Jesus has been offered to made me realize the sadness it brings to mind...Things like...If you get saved HE will save your marriage, or HE will save your finances, or HE will save your job, or HE will save family...(the list of man promises are endless. What however would happen, if we said, If you come to Jesus, it will cost you may cause family problems (Matthew 10:34-36)... It may cause you to lose your may cause you to rethink your way of spending and giving. IT WILL COST... NO ONE can ADD Jesus to their agenda...You take Jesus, at the cost to lose and subtract from you...Jesus is not a good luck charm to wave over your problems and whoosh! they vanish! I see what is happening to America, and eventually the world...People will accept Jesus (not even a Biblical concept), IF, and only IF, it will benefit them, as they decide what benefits they should get. How utterly far from Biblical Truths!!! Gods first interest is not in your job, for their are many saved people today ALL over the world that exist on LESS than $ 1 dollar US a day! Gods first interest is not your family, because, regardless of what you think God will do...HE will not save anyone without their choice being involved. Gods first interest is not your marriage...No beloved, GODS INTEREST IS IN YOU!!! YES, YOU... If you read the qualifications for TRUE follow-ship...its learning, for yourself, HIS requirements to be a CHRISTIAN... Dont misunderstand my heart...Its just weve made such an easy salvation that weve produced a generation that feels entitled to do as they wish, regardless of what the word teaches... The days of accountability are here...The days of stewardship are here and now, the days to stand and pay the price necessary to walk in Gods reality, are NOW!!! Jesus said so plainly, If you are FAITHFUL in little, you will be FAITHFUL in much, if you are UNfaithful in little, you would be UNfaithful in much... Are you with the few who will stand valiant in these last of the last days??? We pray so..........For Christs sake! Press-On Soldiers! Press-On! In Christian love, PD&Marie
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 16:48:13 +0000

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