TODAYS SPIRIT MEAT DEVOTIONAL SUNDAY 16TH MARCH 2014 TOPIC: ARE YOU A GENERALIST OR A SPECIALIST? JEREMIAH 18:1-6 Largely, there are two types of training: general and specialized training. Examples of general training include home training, educational training, career training, etc. In the medical profession, every other doctor has a similar basic and general training but a doctor that is also a man of integrity did not learn that from medical school. In the same vein, a banker that is also a good husband and father did not become that through the banking profession, because the general training for bankers does not train you in the realm of family. I have discovered that it is the specialized training that you go through that determines how far you go in life. General training is available but you may need to search and find before you access specialized training. Some people failed because they didn’t get the specialized training. When everyone has the common denominator of generalized training, it is the man with the specialized training that carries the day. In Africa for example, part of our cultural training is respect for elders. If you see an average European, they don’t have much of respect for elders like we do but they also have their own general training. As you move further in life, it is the specialized training that determines how far you go. You can be a first class graduate of economics and still end up poor. But there will always be somebody who knows how to make money in your day and age and you will need to humble yourself with your first class certificate and take the specialized training of how to make money from him. In different fields, there are different things that people have learnt that you need to learn and acquire through training. Be a specialist because your special training will determine your altitude in life. Prayer: Father, help me to love and exalt wisdom. Help me to get the remaining wisdom and training necessary to propel me further into the future you have prepared for me in Jesus’ name, amen.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:20:32 +0000

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