TODAYS SPIRIT MEAT DEVOTIONAL SUNDAY 27th October, 2013 The Man - TopicsExpress


TODAYS SPIRIT MEAT DEVOTIONAL SUNDAY 27th October, 2013 The Man that God will work with (2): Mark 16:19–20 Yesterday, I began to show you the marks of the man that God will work with. This morning, I will show you the picture of the man that God will work and partner with in his day and generation. The man that God will work with is: I. The man that values intimacy with God rather than man: If God will work with you, you must treasure your intimacy with God. Your personal fellowship time with God should be important to you than any other thing. It is in the place of your fellowship with God that God hooks up your destiny and clarifies instructions for you (Isaiah 40:28-31). You receive strength and divine contributions from God in the place of prayer and if your fellowship with God reduces, divine contribution will decrease and satanic contribution will increase. It is your intimacy with God that infuses you with divine grace that will drive you calling, assignment ministry and as God begins to use you, your consecration, devotion and humility must increase. II. The man that put the difference between the holy and the common: If you will succeed with God, you must put difference between the things of God and common things. The call of God, the man of God, the house and equipment in the house of God, the money of God are holy. Don’t mix them up. Belshazzar in Daniel 5 was not killed by God because he was worshiping idol, he was killed because he overstepped his boundary by drinking with the holy vessels from the temple in Jerusalem. Let the things of God be sacred to you if you will have God working with you. III. The man that has patience with God: Impatience with make a man to miss God a million times. The kingdom of Saul would have continued but impatience on torn it apart. In fact if you will have the promises of God come to pass in your life, you must learn patience with God, an impatience person almost will ultimately leaves the faith (Hebrews 10:35-39). IV. The man that pay prices for power and spiritual experiences: All valuable things have price tag on them and in the same may, God’s power and presence have price attached to it. It is not just for anyone but for those who are paying prices. Learn to pay price in life; the journey of a man will end where when a man stops paying prices. If you are ready to pay the price for God’s power and presence, God will work with you. Be ready to pay the price fasting, praying, confession of God’s word, holiness etc. Prayer: I pray that you will help me to pay every price that is necessary for your divine participation in my life in Jesus’ name.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 11:13:12 +0000

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