TODAYS SPIRIT MEAT SUNDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER 2014 SOLVING OTHERS’ PROBLEMS IN YOUR TROUBLE GENESIS 40:1 – 23 Joseph, a slave-prisoner had a large enough heart to offer a helping hand to other prisoners. He was able to solve the problem of the chief butler and chief baker by interpreting their dreams. He was not overwhelmed by the situation he was going through to the point that he forgot or who was or to the point of failing the people he was raised up to help on the road of destiny. When you allow your situation to stop you from solving problems for others, you shut down what God has placed in you for them. Though Joseph was in prison, he was not a prisoner at heart. Despite suffering a great injustice in the hand of his brethren and his master, he wasn’t embittered to the point of despair. He didn’t lose perspective and somehow kept his dream alive even when all about him was clearly opposite what he was promised. No matter what you are passing through; it may be a great injustice comparable to that of Joseph: maybe life is not treating you well in the area of your finances, health, relationships, or career, don’t be buried in the cocoon of your disappointment, discouragement and despair. Don’t look for sympathizers who are ready to throw you a pity-party because of your current condition. Instead, look outside to the person you can help, assist and strengthen. Look for opportunities to sow in your famine. Your success, healing and restoration is in helping others and being a blessing always. That is the most important thing to God. Get out of your cocoon! Look around for people you can be a blessing to. Keep doing this and God will heal the wound of whatever disappointment you may have experienced. He will also restore the things you seem to have lost in multiples beyond your wildest dreams. PRAYER: Lord, I look beyond situations and circumstances I may be in and I receive the grace to be a blessing unto others in Jesus name. Amen. DAILY BIBLE READING : Isaiah 15:1-18:7, Galatians 1:1-24, Psalm 58:1-11, Proverbs 23:12
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:06:32 +0000

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