TODAYS THEME IS ALL ABOUT FEAR AND HOW FEAR CAUSES MALNUTRITION IN THE SPIRIT Its important to know what is going on in the world and to contribute in any way we can (there is always something we can all do no matter how big or small, it makes a difference) in a positive way to help others and bring positivity to the world for everyone. Dont think that if there is a problem in a country or continent far away from you, to a people you dont personally know or care about, it wont affect you. We are all part of one world. Borders, nationalities, ethnicities etc are all false distinctions. What happens in one end of the world or to a stranger down the street from you matters to everyone However, BE WARY OF THE FEAR MONGERS as Oprah says. So know whats going on in the world, do what you can big or small to help (we can all do something and what we do to/for another is what we are doing for ourselves also, it all comes back to us) but dont keep repeating the same bad news over and over again because it will eat away at you, cause fear and you will not be able to function in a healthy way to help deal with any problem. Dont enshrine fear. Nourish your spirit so that you are strong and able to function in a way that can contribute to the world with any and every issue and remember to be informed properly (dont rely on one source for the news) and to balance the horrible news with the wonderful news that is also out there because many wonderful things happen everyday in the world although those stories hardly make the headlines Here is a link from Michael Moores Bowling For Columbine I hope you enjoy :) youtube/watch?v=1NOFSOeOBsk
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:24:12 +0000

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