TODAYS THOUGHT - SOMETIMES THE BEST WAY TO HEAL IS GOING THROUGH IT ALL. When hurt & broken - Try as much as you can to give yourself time to be sad, frustrated & angry. Give yourself time to heal, accept & to grow strong & move past it. The truth is - Time doesn’t ease the pain or mend a broken heart, but it can provide you with enough space to be able to breathe again & reflect well & then one day you wake up & your heart has a little bit of sunshine in it. Take it easy & dont rush through it & day by day people offer you pieces of their hearts to help remake your own. Allow yourself to be where you are at, to feel what you are feeling, & to experience everything that comes with being hurt. Now during this process, look & listen for that glimmer of hope as you look back at where you may also have gone wrong. It is always there & it is waiting for you to see it so that you move to better. Remember that youll go through this.Know that one of the most beautiful things about humans is their ability to heal, grow & survive by facing it. That is how you get through by going through it all. All the best as you - Heal.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:31:12 +0000

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