TODAYS THOUGHT FOR LADIES - LACK OF SELF ACCEPTANCE IS KILLING YOU. Ladies - I want to share a story of a 3rd year UNZA student that came for my show last saturday & I hope you pick something & check yourself & make ammends. This is a 3rd year student that comes from Mpika came to school in her first year with catapilars (Ifinkubala) that she was selling to earn a little more to keep her moving knowing well where she came from & her family situation.The truth is - She was determined to make it & never cared what anyone would say because she was selling Ifinkubala at campus.She was a laughing stock from her friends that wondered how a beautiful girl like her could sink so low to selling catapilars to earn some extra moneys while they went about with investors (Sugar Daddies With Monsy). Surprisingly for them - She was never moved by her friends laughing at her.She knew where she came from,who she was & what she had followed at Unza.She also had a plan with the little money she was getting from selling Catapilars as she studied really hard while her friends had a good life of eating at Rapsodys,drinking from times cafe & wearing expensive clothes while they had Brazillian hair on with blackberries bought by investors. To cut the story short - Some of her friends never went into 2nd years while some did & some of those that did have now tested HIV positive & will have more than just a degree to graduate with from UNZA while this lady has moved from selling catapilars to clothes she now flies to south Africa to get while she remains focused on graduating.These same friends that laughed at her now shamelessly without memory ask for money from her & look up to her. My point is ladies - Take pride in who you.Accept yourselves & do the right things to get the life that you want.There is no future in trying so hard to fit in when you know who you are.Stand out & identify yourself even in that group & you will earn your respect.Know what you want in life.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 04:06:23 +0000

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