TODAYS THOUGHT: My Apology To A Friend After Uselessly Arguing - TopicsExpress


TODAYS THOUGHT: My Apology To A Friend After Uselessly Arguing About Politics. ---------------------- Our Congress spends Americas money, Larry; the President of the USA spends not one red cent of the tax revenue generated from Americas citizens. And these hapless-bastards think nothing of wasting a few trillion dollars, here and there, wasting, killing & maiming & crippling the lives of untold thousands of others via the funding of UN-WINNABLE religious wars in The Middle East. Face it, Pal, our nation has ...been at war with somebody for roughly 209 of our 237 years of our existence, as a Democratic-Republic. Its beyond absurd, thats what it is, while our citizens do without health-care, as our infrastructure crumbles further, and wholly greed-driven Corporate America, (i.e., uncaring, self-serving Rethuglicans), continues to literally give away our nations manufacturing base to China, India and Mexico, and the good paying middle-class jobs that go with it. Tell me: What could be more criminal than that? The working-men and women of our country are getting royally screwed, Larry; plain & it what you will, brand it however you must. Yet it is what it is!!! You and I grew up in a thriving, bustling, double-fisted union-town in the 50s & early 60s, when President Eisenhower was in the White House...and times were good, werent they...people grew personally and prospered professionally, (a nation where our corporations and the super-wealthy in our country were paying their fair-share of income taxes, via top-end 70% to 90% income-tax rates, above a certain amount earned; yet, the very rich still remained the richest folk in the USA, if not the entire world; jobs were plentiful and the education of our kids was affordable!!!). Now weve gone freakin crazy, with our bought & paid-for-whorehouse-politicians and plutocratic insanity, my brother. The rape of America is near complete, Larry, its utter destruction, (from within!!!), apparently eminent; then what, for Gods sake! Whos left at street level to buy those Made In China goods to fuel our economy? [AND HERES A SPECIAL P.S. TO YOU, LARRY: Yes, of course, Ive ranted and Ive raved, in general; even railed at you, in particular, now and again. But I never meant to hurt your feelings, or to insult your intelligence, or to demean you in any way, or your freely-expressed political points-of-view, either. Hell, weve been friends way too long for that! So please accept my tattered and bruised, but wholly sincere apology herewith, if you can; and if not, well...just know that, all of a sudden, I bear witness to my once brightly-burning Star-of-America quickly dimming, if not already lost; and it breaks my heart, breaks my heart, indeed; as the rich amongst us here in my beloved nation get richer, the poor just get poorer, and our ever-vital American socioeconomic middle-class..for 200+ years the sheer back-bone of the USA...gets ruthlessly obliterated, by a wanton, soulless generation of greed-merchants who dont really give a damn about anybody else, as long as THEIR own bank accounts are fattened; their stock-portfolio values dramatically increasing. Regrettably, this is where we find ourselves today in our arguably shaky, once-great nation, Larry, pathetically infighting within our own borders, while afloat and rudderless in the dangerously greedy political back-waters of a vicious, troubled and confused world].
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:12:46 +0000

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