TODAYS THOUGHTS: God is awesome, His word when acted upon - TopicsExpress


TODAYS THOUGHTS: God is awesome, His word when acted upon produces tremendous results. It was raining on Friday May 6 at about 7:30pm when I went to the school hall (where we rent for our church services), I had come to check how the rehearsals were going for the youth day celebration on June 16th. Thirty minutes after I got there, the schools caretaker called me to tell me that the principal wanted to see me. I hurriedly went out to attend to him, surprisingly it was not who I expected to see(the acting principal), but rather it was the suspended principal. Hi Sir, Its been a while since I last saw you, smiling I asked, how are you doing? He ignored me and rather said, I heard you are joining forces with white people in this school to fight me (he was referring to the current acting principal of the school and his team). shocked and perplexed, I started wondering what will make an Elderly man like him to descend so low to play the race-card with me. The youth leader who was present was equally surprised, since he was a local he tried to calm him down-(by speaking to him in their local language about the need to avoid being sentimental about the whole situation). . Let me tell you, (pointing his fingers at me) he said my re-instatement will be in two weeks, I will suggest to the school board that you and your church leave the school premises at once when I resume as principal. Do you think this is Nigeria eh? You people just think you can come in here(S.A) and behave as you like... Let me warn you, better look for an alternative church venue for this church of yours, he retorted. At this point, I felt victimized, because his accusations were baseless. As Gods ambassador, I felt my Government and country was being undermined and disrespected by this principal(1chronicles 16:22 says Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.) As I remembered that scripture, a holy anger started building up on the inside of me, I am very disappointed in you, he continued, I expected you to show loyalty and never speak to the acting principal while I was away. Do you think because I am suspended, I will never come back? This man (pointing to the care taker) told me everything! Looking at my youth leader he said, so this how you people-Christians behave eh? When I resume, I will teach you people a lesson or two just then I heard him trying to turn on the ignition of his car to drive off. In a split second, I got the total picture of the cause of his anger! I remembered vividly events that had transpired prior to this Friday night meeting. I had met with this suspended principal some months back to complain about issues bordering on our tenancy and the lack of service delivery. Prior to his suspension we had a private arrangement where the caretaker will sweep, arrange the chairs etc for an agreed monthly fee. This arrangement was going on well, I was paying this money without fail. But suddenly I noticed for more than 6weeks, the caretaker stopped sweeping and sorting out the hall for the church use. I tried several times through the school secretary to get an audience with the caretaker to sort out the situation; all to no avail. So the caretaker expected to be paid for a service that was never rendered. As I stood there, (all of this memories flooded my mind), as I listened to this principal threatening fire and brim stone on Gods people; sincerely I felt angry! Mr principal, I said, I am more disappointed in you than I think you are in me, apparently that was not what he was expecting to hear, he switched off the ignition at this time, I felt he would open the car to fight. I walked closer to him, as if saying, Yes I just said that, what are you going to do about it? How can you be speaking like this to me when you have not heard my side of the story, I expected someone of your status to be fair! I said. He Interrupted me immediately I really do not need to find out anything, the truth is clear. Before he could continue, I said, Now listen! we (the Church) do not have any intention of leaving this school premises any time soon, if you think your coming back from suspension will enable you to carry out all this threats you have heaped on us, then I promise you, YOU WILL REMAIN SUSPENDED!!!! It was after I pronounced that declaration that I walked away, my Church youth leader following right behind. True to my word, the suspended principal never returned until I left that place of assignment. That is what is called believers authority There are countless incidences in the bible of faith-filled people who exercised and spoke things into existence. Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years James 5:17. Go has given you and I authority to exercise while carrying out our ambassadorial duties here on earth, you must understand whoever touches or threatens you, has the government of Heaven to contend with, so please do not sit down there and allow people, life situations to push you around. Stand your ground and represent your home country(Heaven) with boldness. Do not ever forget that apart from your political position, YOU ARE ALSO THE KINGS CHILD That is why your father made this statement... Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matt. 18:18 Exercise your authority, stop living like an under-dog Love you all.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 13:49:36 +0000

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