* * * TODAYS TRAITORS: RECONSTRUCTED SOUTHERN COOPERATORS/SCALLYWAGS * * * A SOUTHERN WRITER in Ashville, NC whose writings are promoted by SCV and some other allegdely pro-Southern organizations wrote this week, These twelve civilians and four Union soldiers, whose blood flecked the streets of Baltimore, were the among first deaths of a war that would take the lives of 620,000 Union and Confederate soldiers and an estimated 50,000 Southern civilians from all causes. I see this 50,000 number often used by low-information often reconstructed Southerners. This number originates from yankee histories that are willing to admit that Shermans march through the South killed at least 50,000 Southern civilians. The authors ignore the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Southern civilian deaths caused by the entirety of the war. Studies by Dr. Livingston, retired Professor of Ethics at Emory University, and his grad students show that about 1,000,000 Southern civilians died because of the war and 800,000-1,000,000 Southern Negroes, freemen and slaves, were killed by northern soldiers or died as a direct consequence of USA military operations. Mississippi State records of their occupation Governor write that half of al Mississippians died in the war. Dr. Busbice at Nicholls State University, located in Thibodaux, Louisiana tells the story of a mass massacre of 2,000 Negroes, both slave and freemen, by the USA Army in just one town in Louisiana. The USA Army fenced them in and gave them neither food nor water until all of them were dead. There are now three professors at Nicholls State University who tell this story. Eight-hundred Negroes were marched into the Ocean at one time and drowned by USA military in one operation at Charleston, SC. The death of Negroes meant very little to northern military and politicians. I grow increasingly cynical about National SCV officers and others who deny the Military orders that are on record calling for the extermination of all Southerners. Nearly all northern newspapers after the war reported that over a million military died in the war. This figure discounts and does not mention those who were injured and crippled by the war. Generally there were 5-6 wounded for every soldier killed with over half of those loosing a hand, a arm, a foot or a leg. It is not unreasonable to say that about 3 million died in Lincolns executive-military coup/war with millions more crippled for life. The ratio of deaths and casualties per 100,000 population in the USA during the 1860s exceeds the ratio of people who died as a result of WWII. I have heard some Southern speakers refer to Lincoln as The American Stalin which I believe to be much closer to the truth than the low-information white-washing of the USA genocidal war against Southern Christians by some Southern speakers. ~Tim Manning~
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:01:05 +0000

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