TODAYS WORD OF INSPIRATION. SPEAK TO THE MOUNTAIN-THERE IS POWER IN THE WORD OF A KING: Ecclesiastes 8:4Where the word of a king is, there is power.. In St Mark 11:23 Jesus tells us to use our God given authority to speak to the mountains in our lives and command them to be removed INSTEAD of informing God about the mountains. In other Words whatever problem youre facing, command it to go and call forth what you want to see, declare Gods Word in faith over your situation and the problem will go. There is power inside every child of God to cause changes, youre not an ordinary person. The bible says youre kings and priests (Rev 1:6). Today while reading Acts 9:36-43 I came across a practical example where Peter spoke to the mountain. There was believer called Tabitha/Dorcus. She died and Peter was called to pray for her. After chasing out the mourners, in verse 39, Peter ...kneeled down, and prayed; and TURNING HIM TO THE BODY SAID, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. I presume having found there mourners in the room, he first dealt with the surrounding atmosphere of unbelief by perhaps exalting God in prayer. After this, he spoke to the mountain...turned to the body and spoke to it to arise. He only said one word arise, not a paragraph or a sentence. Its about being aware of the love of God towards us that he will grant us anything we ask according to his will, the authority we have in Christ and of cause the power behind our words. The bible says in Job 22:28Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.. Which means whatsoever you shall declare God will make it come to pass whether the devil likes it or not and after that your life will go from glory to glory. What is that mountain before you, speak and believe and what you say shall be established. Jesus said Behold, l give unto you power. (Luke 10:19).
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:20:52 +0000

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