TODAYs TOPIC IS LACK OF DISCIPLINE AND LOVE DISCIPLINE- It means to build a well practicing attitude into a particular system of leaving,dicipline always quide someone to rely on doing good rather than doing bad. Majorly discipline is also a guideline to be followed to avoid problem in a particular environment you found yourself. Example- Nigeria Army,the best example is solders because people doesnt like to near and dear them because of their discipline if you want to know how discipline is powerful try to go beyond your boundary if you meet with solders which i always cherish and that is what Nigeria as a country lack we dont follow constitution and we are not ready to imbibe or inculcate it into the system and that is why we peoplein Nigeria behave anyhow and saying Nigeria can not change positively if we are ready today i beleive Nigeria can change but only to apply discipline system so that we will not derail from our constitution but nothing like that in Nigeria today we dont make use of constitution properly and it is affecting us seriously.may God help us LOVE- where there is no love there is problem and grudges,i think in Nigeria today we have four major region,west,south,east and north but the problm is that the love is not circulated but splited,when yourba and Hausa love each other but there is problm btw igbo and Hausa how can they enjoy when they are leaving in a room,but if igbo,hausa and yoruba love themsleves to always eat in the same plate,drink from the same cup and sleep on the same bed how can grudges arise because they have already inculcated that habbit of leaving like a twin but since the problem have started from the years back i beleive our generation can adjust and inculcate it but if some set of people re staying away to be continue with backbiting,hypocrites,betraying,traiting and envy that how can this person supperceed me am i not having the same head like him definately the problm wil stil continue but if we are complacency with what God give to us and we make use of it appropriately and sensitively there wont be any problem which i beleive that very soon what is happening in this country will soon be stopped by prayers and fasting to seek for forgiveness from God so that we can leave a blissful life.Amen COMRADES- let us be discipline and be a second respected fighters in the world because Army is the No 1. God bless our Country God bless our Association (NANC) God bless my fans and Supporters God bless my Mentor Thanks to you all NANC 001 I remain your servant in struggle Comrade Ogunolu Samsideen Opeyemi a.k.a peace maker
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:58:34 +0000

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