TODAY’S FRESH BREAD (ABUNDANCE OF PEACE) Jeremiah 33:6 Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. Beloved, yesterday we saw how eager God is to minister healing and good health to us. His promise is to heal you of all sicknesses and diseases, and to prevent you from getting sick again. You can still live a life without sicknesses and diseases. Another blessing God promises us from the above scripture is the abundance of PEACE. It is the desire of God that His peace will rest on you and your entire family. There is not development and progress in life in the absence of peace. You need the peace of God in your finances, health, education, marriage, relationship, family, occupation etc. When the peace of God has its way in you, every other thing falls in its perfect place. The word translated as peace is ‘SHALOWM’ or ‘shalom’. The word ‘shalowm’ doesn’t only mean peace. It means more than that. Shalowm also means safe (security), welfare, prosperity, favour, good health, wholeness. This is a full package from God to you through His grace. Its something you do not work for. Its free of charge. Jesus said, ‘ Peace (SHALOWM) I leave with you, my peace (SHALOWM) I give unto you (John 14:27)’. You are full of His shalowm. Beloved, God’s through Christ has given unto you His SHALOWM. Therefore, you have His security. Your welfare is His concern. You have the power to prosper. His favor is resting on you. You are full of good health and healing, and not just healing but also wholeness. This is what God has made you through Christ Jesus…… Good morning
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:35:39 +0000

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