TODAY’S FRESH BREAD Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto - TopicsExpress


TODAY’S FRESH BREAD Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Does the devil have power? Does he have the power to fight you? Does he have the power to mess your life around? Is God happy with you going about to fight the devil? Satan has a sphere of his rulership. His name is the Prince (King) of this World. Being a prince or ruler, he definitely has rulership in his sphere; we call it the kingdom of darkness. After Jesus resurrected from the dead, He told His disciples that ALL POWER in Heaven and on Earth has been given unto Him. Did Jesus really mean ALL? If Jesus meant ALL, then it means Satan has no power. But if we still believe that Satan has power over us, the it means either Jesus was deceiving us or Himself was deceived by the Father. Everything Jesus said was truth. There was no lie in any of His speech. There is nothing that He said that did not come to pass. If He never lied, then it means He cannot lie in this. If He said ALL POWER is given Him, it is really true that ALL POWER is given to Him Then why does it seem the church is in some-way afraid of the devil and his demons? Jesus received all power including that of the devil. There is nothing like evil powers. Every power is a power. It is when the person is evil and uses the power for evil purposes, that is a problem. The devil got his power when man handed it to him through his deception. When Jesus received all power, He gave it to the church. We are His body. When He has all power we have all power too through Him. Therefore, the devil and His demons have no power over us. The only way the devil can exercise power is through deception and unbelief. The more he is able to make you believe that he has power over you to some extent, the more he gets power over you. It is the same giving him your power. The more you have faith in the devil, the more powerful he becomes. For this reason, God wants us to focus on Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:2) and not Satan, demons, evil spirits, problems etc. Have no faith in the devil and he will have no power over you…… Good Morning
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 06:27:45 +0000

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