TODAY’S FRESH BREAD (NEW AND LIVING WAY) Hebrews 10:20 By a - TopicsExpress


TODAY’S FRESH BREAD (NEW AND LIVING WAY) Hebrews 10:20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; Beloved, have you seen in the scriptures how the father of the prodigal son longed to be with his lost son? The Bible shows us that, from the time he went away till his return, the father was always looking out on the way to see if he will return. When he returned, the father saw him afar off and run to meet him, embraced him and kissed him, not considering how filthy and stinking he was from hard work and sleeping with pigs. God longs to be with you with a hunger that is greater than that of the father of the prodigal son. To make this possible; that He will be with you and you with Him forever, God has made a NEW and LIVING WAY for you. A way that is better than the former. In the Old Covenant, the only way a person could be with God was through the keeping of the Law and the daily sacrifices and ritual sanctifications. This the Bible proves to be an Old and Dead way. This is because it brought guilty and condemnation and always left the people with sin-consciousness. But God has made a New and Living way from us through the offering of the body of Christ on the cross. By His death, we have this NEW And LIVING WAY to come to God and live with Him forever by faith. Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. Are you still trusting in your ability to please God by keeping His Law or are you believing that you please God because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice for you? The latter is the NEW and LIVING WAY. Trust in the New and Living way. Trust in the finished work of Christ for you on the cross. You have all that God promised for you in this NEW and LIVING WAY. Look unto Him. Trust in Him and you shall prosper…. Good Morning
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:07:47 +0000

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