TODAY’S GOSPEL REFLECTION 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR “C” 22ND SEPTEMBER, 2013. THEME: SOCIAL INJUSTICE FIRST READING: The First Reading tells us how Prophet Amos complained of the selfishness of the rich who exploited the poor. Prophet Amos was a native of Judah. He was a Shepherd and Sycamore trees dresser before God called him to a prophetic life. He preached in Israel during the reign of Jeroboam. At that time the country enjoyed material prosperity but idolatry and injustice were the order of the day amongst the upper class of the society. Prophet Amos being a man of God who had a true sense of values and being aware of his calling as a true prophet, nothing would stop him from living up to his commitment; he fearlessly disturbed and confronted those of the upper class {the rich} with Word of God on their Social Injustices and their maltreatment of the poor and the helpless. He spoke honestly and courageously regardless of the consequences. He certainly knew he was running the extreme risk of death by his message of truth. In Nigeria today for example, that social injustice and the exploitation of the poor by the rich which prophet Amos condemned during his time is the very problem of our society. This has entered almost all sector of the nation: In Politics, many of our Politicians siphon funds that are meant for the development of the nation for personal use. They live in expensive buildings; ride on the flashy cars, travel overseas for holidays. To make matter worse they increase the rate of taxation so that the poor will pay through their nose, thereby making the rich to become richer and the poor to become poorer. In Religion, so many ‘self-acclaimed pastors’ exploit on their congregation by preaching on gospel of prosperity. They extort money from their poor members by compelling them to pay tithes and other contributions, thereby enriching themselves; buying private jets, using luxurious cars and living in masons. Deceiving the people that the more they give the more they receive. Again, Landlords and Landladies rack-rent their tenants which make many of them to be homeless and leave in abject poverty. In other words, Landlords increase house rents annually, in so doing poor tenants cannot save money to have their own building s but only to pay for they rents. From the above, it is clear that we are no better than the Israelites who lived during the time of Amos as far as the virtue of justice is concerned. Today the rich are growing richer on the backs of the poor, just as the godless Israelites did during the time of Amos. So like prophet Amos we are called to preach against those vices. Gospel Reading: The Parable of the dishonest steward teaches us the following: 1. Just as the man of the world is in his attempt to attain money and comfort of this earthly life, Christians {sons of Light} should be eager and cleaver to attain goodness {heaven}. 2. Each of us must give an account of our stewardship to God. God is like the rich man who entrusts to us with many things, but we shall give an account of it.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 22:31:01 +0000

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