TODAY’S SCRIPTURE 2/2/14 For I promised you as a pure bride to - TopicsExpress


TODAY’S SCRIPTURE 2/2/14 For I promised you as a pure bride to one husband, Christ (2 Corinthians 11:2 NLT). BETROTHED (1) As believers we are BETROTHED to Jesus, and Him alone. In Biblical times betrothal wasnt just an ENGAGEMENT, it was part of the MARRIAGE RITUAL. From the moment of betrothal the TWO were considered ONE. However, the marriage wasnt CONSUMMATED for a year or more. During that period the GROOM would build a HOME for the couple, continue COURT-ING his bride, GETTING to know her, ALLOWING her to know him as much as possible. And the bride would PREPARE herself, LEARNING all she could about him so that she could PLEASE him in all respects. Finally, when the groom BROUGHT his bride to their new home and they began to live as husband and wife, all controversies were laid to rest. As the BRIDE of Christ we should each long for the time when our UNION with Him will be CONSUMMATED and we will PARTAKE of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Until then, Jesus is FULFILLING His part of the betrothal: PREPARING a place for us; PRAY-ING and INTERCEDING for us; CONTINUING to woo us, to LAVISH His love upon us and to BRING us into the KNOWLEDGE of Him. APPLICATION And what is our part? Remember the PARABLE of the ten Virgins? We are to KEEP our lamps lighted with the fire of the Holy Spirit, RENEW our minds with Gods Word, PRAY without ceasing, REJOICE at all times, and LOVE one another as He loves us. Most of all, we are to BE continuously AWARE that we are His bride, a REFLECTION of His name, nature and glory in the earth. –TWFYT— Have a Gloriously Blessed Lord’s Day!!! JM
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 10:06:13 +0000

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