TOGETHER AS ONE - RISE LIKE LIONS FROM SLUMBER!!! I’m going to predict the future, and I don’t need a crystal ball. This is the World your children and grandchildren are going to inherit. You must be blind if you can’t see this plan, which is already being played out. As ONE people, WE CAN PEACEFULLY STOP THIS just by saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH but you have to WAKE UP and GROW UP and stop letting them divide and rule us. Stop believing their LIES AND PROPAGANDA. It doesn’t matter what the colour of your skin is, what man-made religion you believe in, how much money you earn, we are all in this together and TOGETHER AS ONE we will stop this. Syria is going to be invaded by USA/UK & NATO forces. There is going to be another Economic Collapse. America, UK and the Eurozone will be brought to their knees in financial ruin. The Banks will be bailed out by looting the bank accounts of the Middle Earners (Remember Cyprus?) Yes, you Middle Earners are going to join the poor. While this is going on, Iran will be invaded and conquered by US/UK & NATO forces. They will now be on the border of China and Russia. World War 3 will start. While WW3 is being fought, the Ruling Elite will add to their massive fortunes by selling arms to all sides in the conflict just as they have always done. At the end of WW3, the population will have been culled. There will now only be the very rich and the very poor and you will do exactly as your nano-implant tells you. The Ruling Elite will now build their New World Order - A One World Fascist Government.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 16:23:35 +0000

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