**TOM CAN BE ADOPTED RIGHT NOW VIA THE NYC ACC PUBLIC WEBSITE** ***WIGGLY THREE YEAR OLD AT RISK..PLEASE ADVOCATE*** A volunteer writes: Dubbed wiggles by staff, Tom reminds me of a slinky toy. Remember them? Cascading down the stairs in a total wiggle, thats our Tom. His body wiggles and his stunning eyes, and I mean stunning, make soft eye contact. They are a soft amber color, so pretty. His coat is clean and groomed, his weight perfect for his size, and there is no doubt when you meet him that hes ready to be friends. If you have a treat on you that guarantees his undying devotion! Hell run off to chase a ball, but come quickly back for another treat, sitting quietly and just looking up until it comes his way. He takes them gently, always hoping another will follow quickly. Tom can get a bit mouthy in play, but stops quickly with a firm no and turn away from him. Likely housetrained he takes care of business the moment we are out the door. Hes looking for a home in which he can play, enjoy treats and share his love with his new family. Tom is waiting for you to meet him; do it today.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:06:24 +0000

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