TONY BLAIR ADMITS THAT BRITAIN DID FREEZE MUGABES NON EXISTENCE ASSETS TO FOOL THE WORLD. The revelations, that are likely to leave London with egg streaming down the face, are contained in an article titled ‘’Robert Mugabe’s 2013 Presidential Election Campaign’’ that was published in the Journal of African Studies, 2013, Vol 39 on Monday last week. The article, quoting former South African president Thabo Mbeki, revealed that Britain had “frozen” non-existent assets and that the then British prime minister, Mr Tony Blair, had in 2000 exerted pressure on South Africa in a bid to establish a military base to attack Zimbabwe and depose President Mugabe. “Britain began saying to us (South Africans) that Bob Mugabe had a castle in Scotland, money in British banks, and these were the things they were going to freeze. We said we cannot stop you. We can stop you (from) invading Zimbabwe from here (South Africa) but we cannot do anything about your sanctions. “After about three months, Tony’s people came to say to us that we have looked high and low. Bob Mugabe has no assets in Britain but we are going to impose sanctions anyway. So they froze assets that did not exist,” Mr Mbeki is quoted as saying in the journal published online on Monday. President Mugabe is on record insisting that he does not own any properties abroad and has challenged the West to confiscate anything they might find including his “needle”.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:57:14 +0000

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