TOO BAD BOTH MAJOR PARTIES CAN’T LOSE (Part 1 of a 2-part - TopicsExpress


TOO BAD BOTH MAJOR PARTIES CAN’T LOSE (Part 1 of a 2-part series) When the polls open tomorrow morning, at 7:00 a.m., I plan to be there to cast my ballot early, but not often, since I believe in the rule, one man, one vote, and one woman, one vote. Many years ago, the preceding comment would have been a sufficient clarification of one’s position, but these times, are not those times. So, in addition to the preceding, let me add that I also believe in one eligible citizen voting, and no non-citizen voting in American elections, period. In other words, I believe in the rule of law, ditto the part about the period. Neither major party, on the national level, practices the rule of law, in this country, when it comes to politics, and, indeed, to be perfectly honest with you, neither, actually, even believes in the rule of law; they believe in winning elections. That is, for all intents and purposes, the total extent of their belief, on the national level. In Washington, the politicians, in Congress, are primarily thieves, tyrants, and mentally deranged sociopaths. Nope, I am not kidding. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that, to believe, otherwise, one would have to be delusional, misinformed, or totally clueless, certainly one of the three, and maybe even insane, on a political level, as well, which I strongly suspect, given who is being voted into office, on the nation level, in this country. It gives me no pleasure in stating it, but I am most certainly going to state it, since it is definitely true: You can dismiss anything that comes out of a politician’s mouth, on the national level. Make that “everything” that comes out of a politician’s mouth, on the national level. These people are so far removed from their constituents, and so arrogant in their decision-making, that the American people don’t really exist, in a political sense, until election time. Everything politicians say, or do, in Washington, is said, or done, for one reason, and one reason, only, to get elected, followed by getting reelected. What they do, in between, is disserve the country, and their constituents, hiding their dysfunctional leadership behind their useless, and, always, self-serving, rhetoric, while sitting like vultures, waiting for the next election cycle. If truth has to be punished, in the process, to achieve political victory, which is the all encompassing, political objective, then the truth will be damned to the psychopathic realms of a politician’s campaign for office. If winning requires trashing one’s opponent, that also will be done, mercilessly, and without remorse, and with no regard for the truth of the claims, or who is hurt by the claims; it is the claims’ political effectiveness that is important, another period, please. The above is not, in my opinion, a cynical view of politics, and politicians, in Washington, but a clear view. When President Obama said, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it,” and after it proved to be, yet, another lie, the American people focused upon the lie, rather than the wording in which the lie was expressed. The words are not those of an elected official, who respects the fact that he is elected, but those of a hidden tyrant, who feels emboldened to tell the American people what they can, and cannot have. It is not just the lie that is offensive, but the very packaging of the lie, words one would expect to hear in, let’s say, Communist China, or Communist North Korea, not America, so why are we hearing them, here, in this country? Let me give just one hint, from a comment made by a future aspirant to the office of President, Hillary Clinton, who, if elected, in 2016, I think it is safe to say, it is probably a wrap, on the end of America as we have known it, with victory being declared, in such an outcome, in the Marxist name of Saul Alinsky. Hillary Clinton, while campaigning in Massachusetts, two weeks ago, for Democratic Party candidates, in the State, said “trickle-down economics,” which she viewed, apparently, as corporations, and businesses creating jobs, has been tried and proven, not to work. She remained unmasked long enough, to add, “Don’t let anybody tell you that raising the minimum wage will kill jobs, they always say that.” Even more telling, is the comment that only a hidden communist, and aspiring tyrant, would say, “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” So, if there is no “trickle down, from corporations, and businesses, in the form of job creation, and corporations and businesses don’t really create jobs, then, where do jobs come from? What is left? I’ll answer the latter; what is left is for government to do so. The comment is not unlike the one Obama made July 13, 2012, when he told a cheering audience, made up of fools, that those, who built businesses, in this country, didn’t really do that; there were roads, and bridges. Yes, roads and bridges paid for by businesses, and corporations, and the creators of wealth. Let’s see government fund roads and bridges in their absence, or at least before “Atlas” shrugs, for what might well be the final time. One thing that is consistent about those, who cater to what really are the views of Marx and Lenin, even if doing so in clandestine fashion, is that they believe they can suspend economic laws, through government fiat practices. Hillary Clinton’s statement, that raising minimum wages does not create unemployment, is an outrage, coming from a politician, because it assumes the decision is to be made by government. The only way that raising minimum wages will not add, measurably, to unemployment, is when wages are raised by market forces, not by the force of government. There will never be a time when government mandates wage levels, where those levels will not increase, measurably, unemployment levels. I really don’t need to hear anything else Hillary Clinton says, to know that she is unfit to be President of the United States. And I don’t need two more years of Obamas political, and economic, madness, to make the assessment of his unfitness for the post he holds, for which the nation should be grateful that this inept leader will be leaving office, in two years. It has been said that Obama went to several top-notch universities, which I am willing to concede the point. What I am not willing to concede is that he went to class, since there is no evidence, in anything he seems to know, on any subject. Later realizing that she had made a fool of herself, but really it was the realization that she had exposed herself to public scrutiny of her hidden ideas, Hillary Clinton sought to back up later, saying that she didn’t mean what she clearly said, not being as exact as she had intended. I will now await her interim job, before 2016, as a used car salesperson. While I would wish a thousand plaques upon the houses of both major political parties, that does not mean I will not be voting for candidates in one of these two vulgar parties, which might sound like a contradiction, but it is not, and tomorrow, I will tell you why. (Tomorrow, part 2, “The vote, the only non-violent weapon the American people have, which needs to be used to throw some of the rascals out now, and the other rascals out later.”)
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 18:14:03 +0000

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