TOO EARTHLY MINDED TO BE ANY HEAVENLY GOOD Because most in the - TopicsExpress


TOO EARTHLY MINDED TO BE ANY HEAVENLY GOOD Because most in the church are overly concerned with becoming too heavenly minded to be any earthly good, theyre becoming too earthly minded to be any heavenly good. Lets not fool ourselves: the thought process behind this concern is simply the deceitfulness of the heart looking for ways to provide provision for the flesh. Romans 13:14- When you become more and more heavenly minded, (conformation to Christ-Romans 8:29) you sow to the spirit (Galatians 6:8). And therefore an organic process of spiritual growth is perpetuated that spontaneously begins to cancel out and wage war on the desires of the flesh. When your sinful flesh begins to comprehend what is going on (that this process of spiritual sowing and growth is causing its own death) it secretly (through the deceitfulness of the human heart) goes on a mission of self-preservation and begins to upload a virus to sabotage the entire operation of spiritual growth. This operation is mostly done subconsciously through communicative terms such as: youre becoming too heavenly minded... nobody will be able to relate to you if you keep this up... tone it down a notch... youre starting to look and sound weird... no one is going to respond to the Gospel anymore if you dont become more earthbound... if you want to gain the world youre gonna have to become like them...just a little bit.... If you become too holy, you wont be able to relate to those who are not... Drop the plow shears and look back... yes, I know Jesus said you wouldnt be fit for His Kingdom if you did (Luke 9:62) but its for the sake of the Gospel...otherwise people wont respond. Im not asking you to drop the plow for good...just for a little bit. You deserve it! And enough with this Remember Lots Wife stuff...see what I mean... WEIRD. Luke 17:32 This voice that is intermingled and interchangeably soiled with the voice of the serpent, tries to make you into a twisted spiritual martyr of sorts. It tries to make you feel guilty for consistently doing what the Lord has commanded us. It isolates your cross bearing as being unrelatable tripe by trying to convince you of its personal and social hazards. Its motive is to convince you that your close walk with the Lord is causing mass causalities for the sake of the Gospel. It uses spiritual terms to camouflage its real real intent (Satan and your flesh LOVE the word when its being used to make provision for the flesh). It shrouds SOW TO THE FLESH in WICKED DISOBEDIENCE with: Become more effective for the Gospel. Of course this effectiveness is gained by becoming more disobedient to the commands of the very Gospel you are being made to feel guilty over. YOUR FLESH IS A LIAR. And Satan is diametrically interlinked with our flesh when we drop the plow and begin to look back at Sodom. The only way to be ANY earthly good is by becoming transfused with the goodness of heaven. The enemy (our flesh and Satan) knows this. Which is why they pair up in hopes of getting you to Biblically forsake the Lord. Satan ALWAYS uses the Word of God to deceive and seduce a Child of God away from the spirit and to the flesh. He did it with Adam and Eve...he even did it with Christ...and he is surely going to do it with you. This whole process is a Satanic plan, a tactical strategy, to get you to Biblically backslide into the defilements of the world you were once entangled with. Or better yet, its just a strategy to get you to become a lukewarm, nominal Christian whose Christianity is reduced to mere church attendance and God-forsaken forms of Godliness. Either way, the end result is the same: Your effectiveness for the Gospel is squelched. And the irony is, the whole motivation behind the deception, was that youd become a more useful to the work of the Lord. Be not deceived: There is no such thing as becoming too heavenly minded that youre no earthly good. One can NEVER overdose on the very thing this world needs. One can never have too much of what the world lacks. THIS IS SATANS PERSPECTIVE! From his point of view, the world CAN have too much of Christ living in and through us. This modern church has a complex. Its a complex that is ashamed of having too much of Christ. Which is why it sees the need to sanitize, tone down and edit the Bible. You see, the Bible is too heavenly minded to be any earthly good to most in the church. So they disinfect it from all of its spiritual goodness, to make it more earthly good. And this is why we have terms such as Dont become so heavenly minded that youre no earthly good. (If this were a Biblical principle, Im not so sure where the Book of Revelation or Pauls trip to the third heaven would fit in...(?) No, truth of the matter is, people DONT WANT to become so heavenly minded that theyre no earthly good. Why? Its all because of sin my friend. Because they begin to freak out when they realize that a life devoted to Christ means a complete overthrow of sin. They begin to have sin withdrawals and break out into lukewarm sweats. Which is why they buy into the tactical lies of the enemy as described above. And its all meant to make (Biblical) provision for the flesh. The enemy knows that if he can get you to Biblically backslide by using humanistic terms and tactics, its the VERY SAME end result as one who blatantly turns their back on Christ and denies Him. And when a Child of God is brought to return to the sin he once forsook; the last state becomes worse than the first. ALL SIN LEADS TO THE DENIAL OF CHRIST...whether its Biblical sin or otherwise. Do not buy into the lies of your flesh and Satan. Let not Satan twist the Word by twisting and contorting your understanding of it. And what Satan, your flesh and this modern church mean by the subconscious term Biblical sin is this: Its possible to please God while going back to the things you were delivered from. Its possible to cling to the sins that caused Christ to cling to His cross. The only sin that is Biblical is the sin that is damned to hell. The only sin that is Biblical is the sin that killed Christ. The only sin that is Biblical ARE THE ONES THAT YOU ARE TO FORSAKE. Forsake your sin, deny the flesh...sow to the spirit...and praise Christ if it makes you no earthly (sinfully) good! For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. 2 Peter 2:20 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. Romans 13:14 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Let us not lose heart in doing good. Galatians 6:7-9 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:03:30 +0000

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