TOO MANY CITIZENS ARE IGNORANT TO THE TRUTH & BELIEVE THE LIARS & CROOKS Issues are always frivolous unless it is your problem, then it is tantamount. Truth is sometimes painful to know when you realize & understand it Get rid of All but 77 (Democrats & Republicans) in the House & Senate in 2014. List to be posted in September, 201. Dont follow or listen to Extremist Leaders, learn things by researching & reading. How many Extremist and/or their follows will have the courage to see this truth & understand it with an open mind to admit the facts of hypocrisy speaks for itself. I love how the sheepeople believe all those half-truth propaganda without verifying the facts first. If you are going to hate & oppose, at least do so for the truth. Sharing FREE SPEECH that others are practicing does not make someone a Left Liberal Democrat or a Right Conservative Republican. It just shows that they are trying to hear & understand the feelings, opinions, views, & beliefs of others. Try it with an open mind and you too may learn a thing or two about others & yourself. Knowledge is power, with its own measurement of wealth, learn both opposing sides of any subject matter with an open mind, then you will be better prepared to defend against opposition attacks, or you may discover you were ignorantly defending or opposing the wrong position. Some will get this TRUTH, some will just find a reason to condemn it. When will people wake up & stop believing the half-truth propaganda meant to divide us. *There are always various points of view on every subject, what do you think after spending the time & energy exploring ALL sides of any subject? Should there be double standards? Should the law only be enforced when it conveniently doesnt involve you or those you side with? Where do we draw the line and do we keep moving it whenever convenient for a single agenda? Hard to argue with the TRUE FACTS versus FALSE PROPAGANDA but some still do so, often with harsh criticism for such.*
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 13:54:59 +0000

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