TOO MUCH ABOUT NOTHING. Most if not all employees will agree - TopicsExpress


TOO MUCH ABOUT NOTHING. Most if not all employees will agree with me that Monday is not an easy day. Being the first working day of the week, it comes with pressures. First of all, waking up itself is so tight. This is due to the fact that it arrives just as one is getting used to sleeping. Having been chilling on Saturday and Sunday, one often gets used and prolongs the sleeping hours even on a Monday morning. As a result, most employed people get to their work places late on Mondays. Adjusting from the weekend moods to working moods is also not easy. Then, it is just a handful of people that come out of the weekends with money in their wallets. The majority party and end up spending a lot on weekends leading to brokenness at the beginning of the week. These factors and many others could be the reasons why Monday is sometimes referred to as MOURN-day. …But when it comes to one of my colleagues at work, the story is different. Monday is his best day mainly due to the fact that it is his show-off day. The moment he steps in the company premises, he will start off by greeting whoever he comes across and asking them where they parted from. After getting his answers, he will also state where he parted from and move an extra mile to prove. He is good at keeping hotel receipts so he will straight away hit them in your face even before asking. He will show them to whoever cares to check them out and he them keep them for future reference. With time, the receipts have accumulated and so his trouser pockets are now fully loaded. As if that is not enough, he claims that he is inseparable with money. So while the rest us are crying out loud about poverty, he claims that he is always willing to lend money to whoever is badly off at an interest. Truly, he always moves with money save for the fact that the money is always of low value. What I mean is that he likes carrying bundles of Ugx 1,000 and Ugx 2,000. So when one stares at his pockets from outside, they appear to be full but when he gets the money out, one will find out that he is actually loaded with CHANGE. After analyzing his life style, I have come to a conclusion that he carries a lot but with low if not no value. Funny enough, many of us are not any different from him. We are good at accumulating a lot in our heads which is sometimes of low value. For instance, I fail to understand why a business person should know a lot about football and politics but can`t read a business book to improve his working skills. Then why should a student easily accumulate information about music yet he or she struggles to internalize what he studies and will be examined about. Trust me, claiming that you know a lot about the irrelevant is an equivalent of knowing nothing.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 06:57:26 +0000

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