1.NO BREAKFAST:- People Who Do Not Take Breakfast R Going 2 Have Lower Blood Sugar Level.This Leads 2 An InSufficinn.Join the community and post comments on the topics"> "TOP 10 BRAIN DAMAGING HABITS" ;> 1.NO BREAKFAST:- People Who Do

"TOP 10 BRAIN DAMAGING HABITS" ;> 1.NO BREAKFAST:- People Who Do - TopicsExpress


"TOP 10 BRAIN DAMAGING HABITS" ;> 1.NO BREAKFAST:- People Who Do Not Take Breakfast R Going 2 Have Lower Blood Sugar Level.This Leads 2 An InSufficinnt Supply Of NutRients 2 D Brain DegeneRation. ;>2:- OveReating- It Causes Hardening Of D Brain Arteries Leading 2 A Decreas in Mental Power. ;> 3. ;> Smoking ;> : It Causes Multiple Brain Shrinking And May Lead 2 AlZheimer Diesese. ;> 4:-High Sugar ConSumption:- Too Much Sugar Will Interrupt D Obsorption Of Proteins And Nutrients Causing MalNutrition And May Interfere With Brain Development. ;> 5. ;> Air Pollution:- D Brain is D Largest ConSumer in Our Body, Inhaling Polluted Air Decreases D Supply Of Oxygen 2 D Brain, Bringing About A Decreasing Brain EffiCiency. ;>6:- Sleeping Deprivation:- Sleep Allows Our Brain 2 Rest. Long term Deprivation From Sleep Will Accelerate D ;> DEATH OF BRAIN CELLS ;> ;>7:- Head Cover While Sleeping:- Sleeping With The Head Covered Increases D Concentration Of ;> CARBON DIOXIDE ;> and Decrease Concentration of Oxygen That May Lead 2 Brain Damaging Effects. ;>8:- WORKING UR BRAIN DURING ILLNESS :- Working Hard or Studing With Sickness May Lead 2 A Decrease in EffectiveNess Of D Brain As Well As Damage of Brain. ;> 9:- Lacking Of Stimulating Thoughts:- Thinking is D Best Way 2 Train Our Brain. Lacking in Stimulating Thoughs May Cause Brain Shrinkage. :) 10:- Talking Rarely intellectual ConverSations Will Promote The Efficiency Of D Brain :)
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 08:56:09 +0000

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