TOP 10 REASONS IM LEAVING MY NOVUS ORDO PARISH AND GOING FSSP (and no, Latin isnt even on the list) 10. Im tired of having hair in my face. The people in the pew in front of me sit instead of kneel during the Consecration and Communion, so I end up kneeling and having their hair in my nose. 9. Because Im tired of hearing cell-phone ring tones instead of liturgical music. 8. Because if I want to see women dressed like whores and men dressed like bums, Ill go to a NASCAR race. 7. Because Im tired of being given Communion by people who dont know how to put it in my mouth. 6. Because I hate hippie folk music. Theres a reason God made John Denvers plane crashed. 5. Because Im tired of people who do all the Charismatic hand jive but dont know when to make the sign of the cross. 4. Because I clap at baseball games and circuses, not at the Sacrifice of my Lord on the cross. 3. Because although I dont mind altar girls, I do mind the fact that theyve scared off all the altar-boys. 2. Because the Mass should not change every time we change priests. And the #1 reason Im going to the Latin Mass... 1. If I wanted to worship like a Protestant, Id have stayed Protestant! I came to the Catholic Church for a reason!!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 19:22:51 +0000

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