TOP 10 REASONS WHY I WILL NOT VOTE FOR JONATHAN Mr. President you had my support during the 2011 general elections. 4 years after, you have taught me a hard lesson - Nothing great happens by luck. Below are reasons why I will not support Mr. Ebele Goodluck Jonathan re-election ambition. 1.COMPENSATING HUMAN LIFE WITH MONEY Remember the slain Corp Members; aftermath of 2011 general elections? President Jonathan’s administration response was to pay a compensation of 5 million naira to the families of the slain Corps Member. The most recent of the compensation is those of the Chibok girls. The “compensation” development tells me that the president has only one solution to terrorist acts. MONEY! Can money buy life? The compensation for the Chibok girls parents/family, what exactly was it meant for? A replacement for the girls? We need a President who will employ intellectual weapon to minimize, curb and fight terrorism. 2.INSENSITIVITY TO NATIONAL ISSUES A day after the Nyanya bomb blast, my President took to the streets of Kano for a political rally. I consider this act inhuman and unexpected of a responsible leader. 3.CHOICE OF WORDS “We are on top of the situation”, each time a suicide bomber succeeds in cutting short the lives of innocent Nigerians, Mr President reassures Nigerians that he is on top of the situation. “We shall do our best to contain the situation……..” is more appropriate for a President who is struggling to contain the excesses of the terrorists. “Stealing is not corruption……” My president made this statement on National TV. The dictionary may not define corruption as stealing. Insight defines it as a derivative of Corruption. I expect Mr. President to know better. 4.TRYING TO WIN NIGERIANS OVER WITH SYMPATHY It is said that some cabal threatened to make the country ungovernable for his administration. I do not expect any individual, Nigerian to be bigger than the law and the President. Mr President, the sympathy formula is not working anymore. As president you are expected to use your position, authority to expose, contain and subdue the so called cabal. 5.CORRUPTION I do not know what Corruption is by Mr. Presidents definition. Corruption as grown to maturity under Mr. Presidents watch. All corrupt cases unveiled under the current administration has been swept under the carpet. 6.DISREGARD FOR RULE OF LAW President Musa Yar’adua worked so hard to promote the rule of law during his short reign; President Jonathan is working harder to destroy it - he is succeeding. 7.INABILITY TO BRING BACK OUR GIRLS Today makes it 252 days since innocent girls were abducted from their examination center in chibok. The present administration have not been able to bring back our girls either dead or alive. What happens in the case of a reoccurrence?? President Jonathan has failed to bring back the girls; if there is a reoccurrence what will happen? 8.KEEPS MUTE WHEN HE SHOULD SPEAK UP We have read in the papers, how tompolo and Asari dokubo will make Nigeria ungovernable should Jonathan fail is re-election bid. Mr President has not made any public statement to disassociate himself and government from these claims. 9.EASILY DISTRACTED Mr President listens more to his sycophants than the suffering masses. His verbal fighters always on the alert to throw tantrums with the opposition. Rather than silence his critics with commendable, outstanding performances Mr President surrounds himself with okupe & co – men that are best known for “running their mouths”. 10.MISCELLANEOUS Subsidy removal without putting the necessary palliative measures in place……… Excess Crude Oil Revenue Reserve…………… emptying our common purse on overheads...... A stadium is known as a place for sporting activities, sometimes in Nigeria, it a venue for social events - musical concerts etc A serving minister under the administration of President Jonathan saw it fit to conduct a job test in a stadium. The president saw nothing wrong with this. As usual, he bought over the survivors of the stampede that resulted during the exercise with money by offering them automatic job placement. Rather than query the process that brought about the stampede, death of Job applicants. An unintelligent decision of offering automatic jobs was made - if there could be automatic job placement why conduct the test? My Grandma says the President sheepish smiles is not one of boldness, confidence and ability. She said it denotes weakness, unreliability and insecurity. She said this a long time ago; it took me time to understand what she really meant – the words of elders are indeed words of wisdom. If Mr President has really impressed Nigerians he would not need to raise 21 billion Naira for re-election. My advice to all Nigerians is, Make sure you participate in the 2015 election. Do not vote along religion, ethnic lines. Think about the unborn generation as you make your choice. We need a positive change in Nigeria. Vote for positive Change.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:21:59 +0000

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