TOP 10 SUPERFOODS FOR KIDNEYS: 1.Cabbage:Cabbage is a - TopicsExpress


TOP 10 SUPERFOODS FOR KIDNEYS: 1.Cabbage:Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable which can improve the kidney function. It is also high in phytochemicals which combat free radicals and stop them before they do harm. It protects the body from environmental hazards and toxins. Cabbage is very rich in vitamin K, vitamin B6 and folic acid. It also fights many types of cancer growths like lung, breast and ovarian cancers. 2.Onions:Onions provide generous amount of phosphorus and plenty of flavonoids including quercet, which fight cancer and helps to prevent kidney failure. 3.Red grapes:Red grapes help in the reduction of blood clots and also prevent oxidation, heart and kidney disease. A handful of grapes can be a healthy snack for a kidney friendly diet. These grapes are tasty, convenient and full of phytochemicals. Resveratrol is another antioxidant found in grapes. Resveratrol reduces thiobarbituric acids and restores depleted antioxidant enzymes in kidneys. 4.Red bell peppers:Red bell peppers are good for kidney failure as they contain powerful cancer fighting agents. Red bell peppers contain vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid and powerful antioxidant lycopene, which is good for curing the kidney related problems. Lycopene reduces the inflammation and keeps the kidney functioning properly. 5.Berries: Cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and cherries are wonderful rich in a variety of kidney-friendly nutrients from improving bladder and heart health to containing anti-cancer properties and reducing inflammation. So go, go berry-crazy and start introducing them to your morning cereal or add them to a kidney-friendly smoothie! 6.Apples: It really is true what they say, an apple a day really does help keep the doctor away! High in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties apples are great in reducing cholesterol, protect against heart problems, decrease your risk of cancer plus help to prevent constipation. Renal-friendly apples can be eaten raw or cooked. Or get their health benefits by drinking apple juice or cider.Apples play a prominent role in dissolving kidney stones. 7.Garlic: Generally speaking, garlic is beneficial for most cases with kidney disease. - it helps improve immune system. As we know that more than 95% of kidney diseases are related to immune system and this is why kidney disease usually reoccur after cold or infection. Garlic consumption helps boost immune system and prevent the relapse of kidney problem. - Lower high blood pressure. As kidney disease develops, it may cause high blood pressure. Garlic may effect modest reduction of blood pressure. Garlic may shield the kidneys from the potentially harmful effects of heavy metals such as cadmium and lead. 8.Cauliflower: Contains Vitamin C, folate, fiber, and compounds that help liver neutralize toxic substances, reducing the load on the kidneys. 9.Fish: A new study in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases claims diabetics eating fish twice a week have less risk of kidney disease because they excrete less protein in their urine, a common indicator of kidney trouble. Good source of protein and inflammatory omega 3 fats which prevent diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. They also help lower the bad cholesterol and raise the good cholesterol. 10.Egg whites : Did you know that eggs whites are a pure source of protein, offering the highest quality there is? This added to the fact they are rich in essential amino acids make them a great food choice for those with kidney problems, especially since egg whites contain less phosphorus than other protein sources. 11.Olive Oil: Contains oleic acid, an anti inflammatory fatty acid which protects against oxidation, and polyphenols and antioxidant compounds that prevent inflammation and oxidation. Regular consumption of extra virgin olive oil is good for the kidney. It gives a healthy kidney, and thus prevents a lot of kidney-related diseases. #Truehumanist @}>--
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 17:11:49 +0000

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