TOPIC--.SHINING YOUR LIGHT....... That ye may be blameless and - TopicsExpress


TOPIC--.SHINING YOUR LIGHT....... That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Phil. 2:15 Have you ever stepped into an environment that looks like everyone seems to be against what you say or are hostile to your belief? Many of us are being ridiculed for our testimonies and experiences in Christ. The ungodly current around us is so strong that everywhere we turn to is like we are bombarded with temptations. From the market place, to the streets, to social spheres to political circles, it is becoming increasingly hard and tough to remain an uncompromising believer. Beloved I will like you to be encouraged. You are not the only one the world is against. If Noah made it then you will surely make it too. Aren’t you glad you are not even living in Noah’s days because at least now the entire world hasnt lost it yet. Then in Noahs days, from neighbours to co-workers to partners, everyone was completely soaked in the imagination of evil and wickedness. Can you imagine, God could not find anyone besides Noah and his family to save? It was a crazy world. (Gen. 6:6-8) Crazier than that was the world that Lot lived in and thank God you were not born in Sodom. Can you imagine a whole city coming together to sodomize two angelic strangers? (Gen. 19:4-10)They would not be deterred even after Lot pleaded and offered his two virgin daughters. What was that? That was a whole city sold out to unimaginable lust. As a righteous person why would Lot ever choose to live in that kind of a city? The bible says his righteous soul was vexed. (2Pet. 2:5-8) Many of us are grieved daily by the things we see around us; ranging from crazy and heartless pursuit of sinful pleasures, under aged children with guns, children on the war front, father killing his whole family, betrayals of unimaginable magnitude, partners killing for insurance benefits and the list is endless. How could a believer not be grieved ? The bible says men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. (John 3:19) Beloved thank God you are not of this world. If the strong Noah made it and the carnal Lot made it out, by His grace you shall make it too. The bible says .......among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Phil. 2:15 HOW ? verse 16 says... Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ............. Phil.2:16 “HOLDING FAST” the word of life, that is the key to shining in a crooked and perverse world. God noticed Noah, he made him a boat for his safety; God had mercy on Lot and whisked him out of that city and would not touch the city until Lot was clean gone. Beloved, it is time for you to shine in this thick darkness of a world by holding fast unto the WORD OF LIFE. May your shining reach far beyond your zone of operation in Christ Jesus Name.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 06:51:17 +0000

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