TOPIC 2: ISLAMIC COSMOS Contd :- The hour draweth nigh . . . and - TopicsExpress


TOPIC 2: ISLAMIC COSMOS Contd :- The hour draweth nigh . . . and the Moon is Split Asunder. Quran 54:1 (These errors show that the author of the Quran was not the maker of the universe but a very ignorant man. :P ) The entire Quran is full of errors - scientific errors, grammatical errors, historic errors and logical errors. Anyone, with a grain of intelligence is surprised at the stupidity of this book. But the poor Muslims have to convince themselves that Islam is indeed the religion of God and Allah is God. For that they have to fool themselves. They desperately try to manufacture miracles and find signs of Allah in the most bizarre things and genuinely they fall for it. In the absence of logic they content themselves with magic and childish tricks. 1.5 billion people read this nonsense and do not realize that it is a hoax. Muslims believe that while Muhammad was in Mecca, Allah split the Moon as a miracle to the Meccans. This claim is made in the Quran. Surah 54 of the Quran is called “The Moon.” It starts by saying: The hour drew nigh and the moon did rend asunder. However, there are several problems with this story. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The main problem is that it contradicts the Quran itself. In various places Muhammad admitted that he could not perform miracles. When asked for miracles his response was: Glory be to my Lord; am I aught but a mortal messenger? Q. 17: 93 In another place he put the following words in the mouth of Allah: And those who disbelieve say: Why has not a sign been sent down upon him from his Lord? You are only a warner. Q. 13: 07 Muhammad insisted that even though other prophets had miracles, his only miracle is the Quran. So when Muslims claim that Muhammad performed miracles, they are going against the Quran itself. The other problem with this claim is that this astronomical phenomenon should have been observed, not just in Mecca, but all over the world. Many nations have recorded even eclipses, why there is no mention of such a thing that for sure would have been the most amazing phenomenon? Moiz Amjad, one scholar that answers questions for Understanding-Islam says, “I have not yet come across any historical accounts of other nations, which refer to the incident.” He thinks this is “a sign of the promised hour.” Curiously the same site contradicts itself and claims that in fact a certain king of India observed the splitting of the Moon and he sent his son to Mecca who converted to Islam and upon returning he died in Yemen. This story is of course another hoax. There is no mention of an Indian converting to Islam during the life of Muhammad in any version of Sira. One ridiculous fabrication was the claim that the astronauts who landed on the Moon heard the adhan (Muslim call to prayer) being chanted there. Muslims have based their entire faith on these FAIRY TALES. First of all there is no record that any King of India ever visited Muhammad. Secondly the splitting of Moon should have been observed by everyone all over the world and not just by one king. Note that the verses of the Quran and several hadiths that narrate this story do not claim that this so called miracle was performed by Muhammad. They say that people saw the Moon in two sides of the mount Hira and Muhammad said this is a sign from Allah to convince you that I am a prophet. Many Muslims are convinced that this phenomenon has indeed happened. They are shown these close-up pictures of the Moon taken by Apollo 10 as evidence. WHAT ESTABLISHED SCIENCE SAYS :- These are called Lunar Rilles. Rilles are long and deep gorges resembling canyons. A rille is typically several kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers in length. Similar formations are found on a number of planets in the solar system, including Mars, Venus, and on a number of moons. How these rilles are formed is still subject of study. Theories include erosion at some point in the stellar body’s history, collapsed lava tubes, and tectonic activity/stresses. There are three types of rilles on the lunar surface: Sinuous rilles meander in a curved path like a river, and are commonly thought to be the remains of collapsed lava tubes or extinct lava flows. They usually begin at an extinct volcano, then meander and sometimes split as they are followed across the surface. Arcuate rilles have a smooth curve and are found on the edges of the dark lunar maria. They are believed to form when the lava flows that created a mare cools, contracts, and sinks. Straight rilles follow long, linear paths and are believed to be grabens. That is, a section of the crust that has sunk between two parallel faults. These can be readily identified when they pass through craters or mountain ranges.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 18:56:54 +0000

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