TOPIC: #CAREER HOW TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE IN YOUR NEW JOB [5 USEFUL TACTICS] by SUNITHA NARAYANAN Drum roll, please! You have landed your first or new job. Congratulations! You are on your way to be career happy. But, wait, did you know that accepting an offer is only the tip of the iceberg? Recent research by Leadership IQ, a global leadership training and research company suggests that 46% new hires fail within the first 18 months while only 19% achieve success. Raise the bar as you grow and begin this exciting journey of your life. I am going to share simple, practical ideas you can use right away to build career happiness on your first job. Consider it my gift to you as you begin a remarkable career! Awesome Idea 1 – Be a savvy subordinate. Observe, observe and observe some more. Then, ask intelligent questions that help you understand what matters to your boss and colleagues. Your job is to make your boss successful. Offer your skills to give superior work EACH time and ask for projects. What are some “hot buttons” for your boss? FACT – 17% hires lack motivation to learn and excel. Brilliant Idea 2 – Be likeable and approachable. Image matters – dress sharply, learn unwritten rules of acceptable behaviors and build your career reputation with integrity and discipline. Approachable behaviors include being pleasant, managing emotions and taking the time to know your colleagues. Cheerfully accept unwelcome tasks. How do you handle disappointments? FACT – 23% hires are unable to manage their emotions. Grand Idea 3 – Be open to making mistakes. You will make mistakes. Mistakes help you show ownership, create solutions and build skills. So, accept feedback with grace, take responsibility to make changes and don’t make the same mistake again, again and again. Recognize direct and indirect signals that people are giving you about your competence, skills, character and commitment. What might help you handle mistakes? FACT – 26% hires can’t accept feedback. Splendid Idea 4 – Be self-aware. Continue to reflect on and assess your personal and work values as well as your interests and skills as it relates to the culture of the organization. If you suppress your personal values you can compromise who you are and what you can contribute to the organization—this will lead to career unhappiness. What criteria can you use to know what is going well for you and what is not? FACT – 15% hires have the wrong temperament for the job. Impressive Idea 5 – Be a life-long learner. Build your knowledge and talent. Stay current with trends in your field. Be an early adopter of new technology, processes and skills. Share generously and build expertise. Invite new learning opportunities. Stretch your mind. Become involved in your professional organization. What kind of learner are you? FACT – 11% hires lack necessary technical skills. You are the person MOST invested in your future. Go ahead and own your career happiness – it is worth it! I wish you career abundance. Source: theundercoverrecruiter
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 11:14:55 +0000

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