TOPIC: CHRISTIANITY OF GAIN AS GODLINESS: ARE YOU ALSO A VICTIM? -WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYS ABOUT THIS MATTER- “If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”…2ND TIMOTHY 6:3-10. -WHAT I RECEIVED OF THE LORD CONCERNING THIS MATTER- Men and brethren, the greatest threat to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the false perception by many even in the body of Christ that the evidence of our godliness and heavenly preparedness can be deduced from the level of our physical well-being and earthly possessions. To those that preach and practice such things, a believer’s spiritual make up can be found in the level of his or her earthly possessions. The Christianity of these folks can be summarized in this manner: “show me how healthy you are and how much you have and I will show you how close you are to the Lord. Brethren, the above doctrine is nothing but a grand deception from the very throne of satan himself. It is share delusion from the enemy of righteousness, and many even in the very body of Christ are daily buying into it. It is nothing but a product of mental Christianity, even of mental faith. And it is such a great disaster to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Brethren, the current level of ungodliness worldwide is largely as a result of this false and satanic doctrine. It is a doctrine that prides on vanity and pursuit of endless pleasure. It is a type of gospel preached and practiced by men and women who though they have every form of godliness but entirely lack the Spirit of God in themselves. They call it the prosperity gospel –but best described as the gospel of perishable things – the gospel of vanishing things –even the gospel of shame. Those involved in this charade will often shout at the top of their voices that poverty is a curse! To them every rich folk in Church is blessed. They are so passionate about this doctrine that they often approach it with some great emotion and passion – but certainly not the passion of our Christ. Those that practice such dreams often flaunt their wealth. And weather the wealth is ill-gotten or otherwise, that does not matter. The important thing is that they flaunt it; and in so doing hold other brethren to ransom. They are as the Old Testament Pharisees and Sadducee.They are a threat to the Church of Jesus Christ - for by their ways and means they have brought this gospel into disrepute. Brethren, do you know why Christianity is today a shadow of itself in most western and other “developed” nations? It is directly as a result of this doctrine. These increasingly nations pride themselves in great wealth and technological breakthroughs. And when they hear Church folks talk about prosperity in Christ they mock and deride. After all, those that openly mock God and dine daily with wickedness and unrighteousness are the healthiest and richest folks world-wide! So, “why must we become Christians – if the only reasons are for us to be rich and be in health”, they often ask, boasting! Brethren, in some parts of the world, scientists have perfected their acts to the extent that they even believe that they can invent life! All manners of sicknesses and afflictions are now subject to the devices of scientists. They can readily invent everything. And when they hear folks preach Christ on the basis of good health and riches, they simply laugh it off. They deride Christians and make our faith seem hopeless; because of some in the Church who have turned the glory of our God into things we can access with our sensory organs. This is indeed a great disaster – and involved must repent today or face the wrath of God. Men and brethren, let me announce to whosoever is interested in this matter that this gospel, the true gospel of Jesus Christ, is not about the things of this life. If you have them, even as a Christian, good enough. But even at that it is also required of you to live as if you do not have them! Godliness requires that we that are rich in Christ must live soberly and in open moderation. We must walk as to shame those who pride in the things of this life. We must live in our Fathers’ abundance yet mindful that our real home is not here. We must not respect the things of this life as the wicked does – we must rather trample upon them. Brethren, very soon all the glory of this life will pass away under fervent heat. Whatever we see around us will vanish away some day. Even our very bodies which we abuse through all manners of painting and nurturing will perish and decay one day. We shall all one of these days put on our heavenly tabernacles. Very soon, if not this very day, all of us will face our Master and Savior to answer for how we lived here. And I believe that none of us will try to show our Master some great wealth or sickness-free body as evidence of how we ran His race on earth. I know that none of us will present Him with diamond, gold and other “precious” things in “thanksgiving”! I know that none of us will show the Lord our numerous children as evidence of our godly life on earth. I am certain that none of us will show the Lord the miracles we performed in His name as our evidence of godliness on earth. Certainly He will not require these things: He will only require our broken and contrite spirits. If ye be a true Christian, therefore, know it this very day that true believers do not live by sight even as the world does. Begin today to understand that the life of a true believer does not consist in the abundance of his or her earthly possessions. Begin today to tell and show the world that the ONLY essence of this gospel is that men and women should be saved - that they might make heaven at last. Brethren, it is futile and abominable to preach perishable things as this gospel. The expectations of God in Christ is that we may seek Him, and having found Him, that we may live even as He lives: that as we continue in Him He will provide us with whatever we need to sustain us in this life - that is, ”Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you” Brethren, we are a people on transit. We are pilgrims on earth, and we must live as such. Heaven is our home. Our business in this life is to live a life that promotes Christ and that attracts other folks to Him. Our days are numbered: be it 150 years or even 5 years – our days are numbered. Let us not live as those without hope – as those whose entire hope is in this vanishing world, as those who mind earthly things – those whose place of “rest” is eternal damnation. Remain blessed as you stir yourselves unto all righteousness.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:27:13 +0000

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