TOPIC: DEFINITIONS Hello Everybody. Could you help me find - TopicsExpress


TOPIC: DEFINITIONS Hello Everybody. Could you help me find out what is the meaning of an expression Russian in the Bay Area, and what is the meaning of an expression Russian Jewish? I am who I am because of the guidance of my two Jewish teachers. It happened somehow that many of my friends in Ukraine and Belarus are Jewish people, who are like me and love our spirit, which is Slavic in general, as none of them has learned much about the Jewish culture, and none of them goes to synagogue. Here, in the Bay Area, a great number of Russian speaking Jews goes to the Russian orthodox Church (I know from my personal experience), celebrates Easter and Christmas with Slavs and doesnt feel excluded by Jews. Well, Facebook isnt the Church... Here, when you read Russian Mom++, you have to be aware that your description of your program for children of those Russian Moms++ will be received in the most discriminating way, and youll be warned that those RUSSIAN Moms will not tolerate you there with your passionate ads. At the same time, there are MANY ads, and most of them are educational, and some of them list Russian among other subjects. Please, spend some time reading this dialog: Some lady: Larissa, posts like this would be more appropriate on your personal wall or your own page (or group). While Russian mom does not allow advertisement of other Facebook groups, we wont mind if you advertise your page/group here once. Im sure those who r interested in your method of teachings and views on Slavic values will follow you there. Thank you. 10 hrs • Like • 2 Larysa Yost: Im sure those who r interested in your method of teachings and views on Slavic values will follow you there. Let me comment on your discriminatory comment, Mam. I rarely visit any groups, but youve made me visit yours and see that there are MANY advertisement posts. Teachers offer their classes ( and they advertise Russian classes offered in San Francisco), their very Russian daycare homes and very Russian groups for learning crafts. They ONLY dont tell that they Love the Russian Culture. Your super restrictive tone and your inaccurate ( so to say) information let me see that Ive been discriminated against for my openly expressed love of the Russian culture. What would you tell about it? Discrimination is not allowed in the US, right? Dear Friends, who always prefer to NOT participate in such discussions for your own safety, would you agree that the war, running in here without advertisement, isnt even cold. Its HOT! I WANT TO RETURN TO THE DEFINITIONS and would appreciate clearly stated ones. My questions: 1) If the group or summer camp is advertised as Russian-Jewish, is it for Russians and Jews or only for Russian speaking Jews? 2) If the groups name is Russian ladies in the Bay Areaor Russian Moms, or“Russian parents”, or “Russian California”, does it mean that those who cannot represent any different than Russian culture are welcome or not? If yes but no, then, why are they called “Russian”?
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 16:41:51 +0000

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